Table of Contents
Author | Peter Gerrard |
Computer | Amstrad PCW 8256 / 8512 / 9512 |
Year | 1988 |
Gender | Board |
Controls | Keyboard |
Languages | English |
Status | Preserved |
Dominoes is a board game played with numbered rectangular tiles, usually white on the face and black on the underside. The game consists of 28 pieces, the largest tile being double six.
The game is generally played by 4 players alone. You can play from 2 to 12 people by dividing the chips for it. In this game we will play against the machine.
The objective of the game is to get rid of all the tiles and if not, the one with the highest score wins. Double tiles are the only ones that are placed crosswise.
10 DIM mine$(14),your$(14):a=PEEK(64504!):RANDOMIZE (a):PRINT CHR$(27)+"e" 20 rev$=CHR$(27)+CHR$(112):rof$=CHR$(27)+CHR$(113) 30 PRINT CHR$(27)+CHR$(48):cls$=CHR$(27)+"E"+CHR$(27)+"H":PRINT cls$TAB(39)rev$"* DOMINOES *"rof$:PRINT:PRINT"Traditional dominoes - just match the ends up, and I go first ..." 40 a$(1)=CHR$(150):a$(2)=CHR$(153):a$(3)=CHR$(156):a$(4)=CHR$(147):a$(5)=CHR$(149):a$(6)=CHR$(154):a$(7)=CHR$(151):a$(8)=CHR$(157):a$(9)=CHR$(155):a$(10)=CHR$(158) 50 DIM d$(7,3):FOR i=1 TO 7:FOR j=1 TO 3:READ d$(i,j):NEXT j,i 60 dom$="00010203040506111213141516222324252633343536444546555666" 70 ERASE mine$,your$:DIM mine$(14),your$(14) 80 m=0:y=0:FOR i=1 TO 24:IF i/2=INT(i/2) THEN m=m+1:a=INT(RND(1)*(29-i)+1)*2-1:mine$(m)=MID$(dom$,a,2):a$=LEFT$(mine$(m),1):b$=RIGHT$(mine$(m),1):IF VAL(a$)<VAL(b$) THEN z$=b$:b$=a$:a$=z$:mine$(m)=a$+b$:GOTO 100:ELSE 100 90 y=y+1:a=INT(RND(1)*(29-i)+1)*2-1:your$(y)=MID$(dom$,a,2) 100 dom$=LEFT$(dom$,a-1)+MID$(dom$,a+2):NEXT i 110 PRINT cls$;"Your Dominoes ...":dom$="" 120 FOR i=1 TO 14:FOR j=1 TO 13:a=VAL(mine$(j)):b=VAL(mine$(j+1)):IF a<b THEN a$=mine$(j+1):mine$(j+1)=mine$(j):mine$(j)=a$ 130 NEXT j,i 140 FOR i=1 TO 12:l$=LEFT$(your$(i),1):l=VAL(l$):r$=RIGHT$(your$(i),1):r=VAL(r$):x=(i-1)*6:y=2:GOSUB 450 150 PRINT a$(1);a$(6);a$(6);a$(6);a$(3):y=y+1:GOSUB 450:GOSUB 460:NEXT:GOTO 370 160 turn=0:x=0:y=12:GOSUB 450:PRINT "Use the cursor keys to move/ENTER to select/Q if you can't go":x=2:y=1:GOSUB 450 170 test=0:FOR i=1 TO 14:IF mine$(i)="" THEN test=test+1 180 NEXT:IF test=14 THEN x=0:y=0:GOSUB 450:PRINT"I win - no more dominoes left!":computer=computer+1:GOTO 540 190 a$=INKEY$:IF a$="" THEN 190 200 IF a$=CHR$(1) AND x>2 THEN x=x-6:GOSUB 450:GOTO 190 210 IF a$=CHR$(6) AND x<80 THEN x=x+6:GOSUB 450:GOTO 190 220 IF a$="q" THEN cg=cg+1:GOTO 380:ELSE IF a$<>CHR$(13) THEN 190 230 pick=(x-2)/6+1:IF your$(pick)="" THEN 190 240 l=VAL(LEFT$(your$(pick),1)):r=VAL(RIGHT$(your$(pick),1)):IF go=0 THEN 260 250 c1=VAL(LEFT$(dom$,1)):c2=VAL(RIGHT$(dom$,1)):IF l=c1 OR l=c2 OR r=c1 OR r=c2 THEN 260 ELSE 190 260 a=x:b=y:IF go=0 THEN 310 270 x=0:y=13:GOSUB 450:PRINT "Which side, left or right (L or R) ? " 280 a$=INKEY$:IF a$<>"l" AND a$<>"r" THEN 280 290 IF a$="l" AND l=c1 OR r=c1 THEN 300 ELSE IF a$="r" AND l=c2 OR r=C2 THEN 300 ELSE 280 300 cg=0:l$=MID$(STR$(l),2):r$=MID$(STR$(r),2):IF a$="l" AND l=c1 THEN dom$=r$+l$+dom$:ELSE IF a$="r" AND l=c2 THEN dom$=dom$+l$+r$ ELSE IF a$="l" AND r=c1 THEN dom$=l$+r$+dom$ ELSE IF a$="r" AND r=c2 THEN dom$=dom$+r$+l$:ELSE 280 310 nd=nd+1:FOR y=12 TO 14:x=0:GOSUB 450:PRINT SPACE$(65):NEXT:your$(pick)="":x=a-2:y=b:FOR i=1 TO 9:y=y+1:GOSUB 450:PRINT SPACE$(5):NEXT 320 x=0:y=18:FOR i=1 TO 6:y=y+1:GOSUB 450:PRINT SPACE$(90):NEXT:x=1:y=20 330 FOR i=1 TO LEN(dom$) STEP 2:a$=MID$(dom$,i,1):b$=MID$(dom$,i+1,1) 340 IF a$=b$ THEN x=x+1:y=21:GOSUB 450:PRINT a$(6):x=x-1:y=y+1:GOSUB 450:PRINT a$(5);a$;a$(5):x=x+1:y=y+1:GOSUB 450:PRINT a$(6):x=x-1:y=y+1:GOSUB 450:PRINT a$(5);b$;a$(5):x=x+1:y=y+1:GOSUB 450:PRINT a$(6):x=x+2:GOTO 360 350 y=22:GOSUB 450:PRINT a$(6);a$(10);a$(6):y=y+1:GOSUB 450:PRINT a$;a$(5);b$:y=y+1:GOSUB 450:PRINT a$(6);a$(9);a$(6):x=x+3 360 NEXT:IF turn=0 THEN 380 ELSE 160 370 REM 380 turn=1:a=0:IF go=0 THEN go=1:dom$=LEFT$(mine$(1),1)+RIGHT$(mine$(1),1):mine$(1)="":GOTO 320 390 test=0:FOR i=1 TO 14:IF your$(i)="" THEN test=test+1 400 NEXT:IF test=14 THEN x=0:y=0:GOSUB 450:PRINT "You win - no more dominoes left!":human=human+1:GOTO 540 410 a=a+1:IF a=15 THEN x=0:y=13:GOSUB 450:PRINT "I can't go ...";SPACE$(60):FOR i=1 TO 2000:NEXT:cg=cg+1:IF cg>1 THEN 500 ELSE 160 420 l$=LEFT$(mine$(a),1):r$=RIGHT$(mine$(a),1):c$=LEFT$(dom$,1):d$=RIGHT$(dom$,1):IF l$=c$ OR l$=d$ OR r$=c$ OR r$=d$ THEN 430 ELSE 410 430 nd=nd+1:cg=0:mine$(a)="":IF l$=c$ THEN dom$=r$+l$+dom$ ELSE IF l$=d$ THEN dom$=dom$+l$+r$ ELSE IF r$=c$ THEN dom$=l$+r$+dom$ ELSE dom$=dom$+r$+l$ 440 GOTO 320 450 ok=FRE(""):PRINT CHR$(27)+"Y"+CHR$(32+y)+CHR$(32+x);:RETURN 460 PRINT a$(5);d$(l+1,1);a$(5):y=y+1:GOSUB 450:PRINT a$(5);d$(l+1,2);a$(5) 470 y=y+1:GOSUB 450:PRINT a$(5);d$(l+1,3);a$(5):y=y+1:GOSUB 450:PRINT a$(7);a$(6);a$(6);a$(6);a$(8) 480 y=y+1:GOSUB 450:PRINT a$(5);d$(r+1,1);a$(5):y=y+1:GOSUB 450:PRINT a$(5);d$(r+1,2);a$(5) 490 y=y+1:GOSUB 450:PRINT a$(5);d$(r+1,3);a$(5):y=y+1:GOSUB 450:PRINT a$(4);a$(6);a$(6);a$(6);a$(2):RETURN 500 x=0:y=0:GOSUB 450:PRINT "End of game - neither of us can go.":yo=0:mi=0 510 FOR i=1 TO 14:yo=yo+VAL(LEFT$(your$(i),1))+VAL(RIGHT$(your$(i),1)):mi=mi+VAL(LEFT$(mine$(i),1))+VAL(RIGHT$(mine$(i),1)):NEXT 520 FOR i=1 TO 2000:NEXT:x=0:y=0:GOSUB 450:PRINT SPACE$(75):GOSUB 450 530 IF yo>mi THEN PRINT "You lose by"yo"to"mi:computer=computer+1:ELSE IF mi>yo THEN PRINT"I lose by"mi"to"yo:human=human+1:ELSE PRINT "A tie at"yo"points each!" 540 nd=0:cg=0:turn=0:go=0:FOR i=1 TO 3000:NEXT:GOSUB 450:PRINT SPACE$(75):GOSUB 450:PRINT"Overall score now you"human"me"computer"-another game (Y or N) ?": 550 a$=INKEY$:IF a$="y" THEN 60 ELSE IF a$="n" THEN PRINT cls$;"Bye for now":END:ELSE 550 560 DATA " "," "," "," "," ¼ "," ","¼ "," "," ¼","¼ "," ¼ "," ¼" 570 DATA "¼ ¼"," ","¼ ¼","¼ ¼"," ¼ ","¼ ¼","¼ ¼","¼ ¼","¼ ¼"
← = Move left → = Move right L = Place tile to the left R = Place token to the right Q = Quit game ENTER = Select
Loading the program
1.- Insert the CP/M disc on side 2 2.- Write BASIC and wait for it to load 3.- Remove the CP/M disk and insert the disk containing the Dominoes game 4.- Type run "Dominoes" and press the "ENTER" key
- Dominoes (game in dsk format, compressed with zip)
en/dominoes.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/30 09:52 by jevicac