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Author Jorge Perez Barreiro
Computer Amstrad PCW 8256 / 8512 / 9512
Year 1988
Gender Arcade
Controls Keyboard
Languages Spanish
Status Preserved



Deimos is a game of collecting items against time. Far from the earth, we are in a lost satellite of the planet Mars, our mission: We will have to take to the central Deimos the disc, the hammer, the crown and the monitor that have been scattered by the satellite. To do this, we must break the stones that we find on our way and they cut off our access to objects. But you must be careful!; every time you break a stone you will lose energy and the only way you have to recover it is by eating the Burgers and Pizzas that have been distributed on the screen.

The objects that have been scattered on the screen, you have to pick them up one by one and take them to the base, before going for the next one, which complicates the game even more. Each stone that we break to reach the object takes away our strength and each stone subtracts a different force, so the trick is to avoid breaking the stones. The fewer broken stones, the more energy we will have.

The good thing about the game is that it never starts on the same screen, so every time we start it, it will be on a different screen, with the objects to get in different positions.


  • Listing - DEIMOS.BAS
10 '**************************************************
20 '**************************************************
30 '****                                          ****
40 '****              D E I M O S                 ****
50 '****  (C) 23-Julio-1988 Jorge Perez Barreiro  ****
60 '****       AMSTRAD PCW 8256-8512-9512         ****
70 '****                                          ****
80 '**************************************************
90 '**************************************************
100 '
110 '
120 cls$=CHR$(27)+"E"+CHR$(27)+"H"
130 DEF FN at$(v,h)=CHR$(27)+"Y"+CHR$(32+v)+CHR$(32+h)
140 inverse1$=CHR$(27)+"p"
150 inverse0$=CHR$(27)+"q"
160 cursor1$=CHR$(27)+"e"
170 cursor0$=CHR$(27)+"f"
180 scrab$=CHR$(27)+"L"
190 scrar$=CHR$(27)+"M"
200 PRINT cursor0$
210 PRINT cls$
220 PRINT FN at$(15,33);"** D E I M O S **"
240 FIELD 1,7 AS pu$,3 AS nom$,3 AS niv$
250 GET 1,1
260 no$=nom$
270 re=VAL(pu$)
280 nivr=VAL(niv$)
290 CLOSE 1
300 RANDOMIZE PEEK(64504!)
310 GOSUB 3080:GOSUB 3540
320 RESTORE 370
330 FOR ca=160 TO 245
340 GOSUB 3650
350 NEXT ca
360 GOTO 1230
370 DATA 0,3,30,63,0,85,170,85
380 DATA 63,239,251,255,0,85,170,85
390 DATA 252,127,238,255,0,85,170,85
400 DATA 0,192,248,252,0,84,170,85
410 DATA 42,0,42,21,10,3,0,0
420 DATA 170,0,255,127,191,95,175,0
430 DATA 170,0,255,255,255,255,255,0
440 DATA 170,0,252,248,240,192,0,0
450 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,15,31
460 DATA 0,1,3,7,30,252,244,138
470 DATA 0,128,192,224,120,63,47,81
480 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,240,248
490 DATA 112,112,30,7,1,0,0,0
500 DATA 17,33,17,138,228,127,31,0
510 DATA 136,132,136,81,39,254,248,0
520 DATA 14,14,120,224,128,0,0,0
530 DATA 0,59,59,56,59,59,0,0
540 DATA 0,253,250,0,255,248,7,7
550 DATA 0,95,191,0,255,31,224,224
560 DATA 0,220,220,28,220,220,0,0
570 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
580 DATA 7,7,7,7,7,5,2,0
590 DATA 224,224,224,224,224,64,160,0
600 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
610 DATA 0,127,127,31,119,127,112,96
620 DATA 0,255,255,255,255,255,14,4
630 DATA 0,255,254,252,252,253,125,53
640 DATA 0,254,2,2,10,194,66,250
650 DATA 96,112,127,119,31,127,127,0
660 DATA 4,14,255,255,255,255,255,0
670 DATA 60,125,252,252,252,254,255,0
680 DATA 2,250,10,26,2,2,254,0
690 DATA 0,0,0,0,3,15,62,119
700 DATA 0,3,31,252,249,243,255,253
710 DATA 0,192,248,255,255,223,253,248
720 DATA 0,0,0,0,192,240,188,222
730 DATA 125,63,15,3,0,0,0,0
740 DATA 254,217,153,255,254,31,3,0
750 DATA 189,255,255,207,255,248,192,0
760 DATA 238,252,240,192,0,0,0,0
770 DATA 126,219,126,219,170,85,170,85
780 DATA 126,219,126,219,126,219,126,219
790 DATA 170,85,170,85,126,219,126,219
800 DATA 130,16,68,1,136,34,1,68
810 DATA 0,63,127,112,100,104,96,104
820 DATA 0,255,255,0,0,0,0,0
830 DATA 0,255,255,1,0,0,0,0
840 DATA 0,254,170,214,254,238,198,238
850 DATA 96,104,96,104,116,127,63,0
860 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,255,255,0
870 DATA 0,0,0,0,1,255,255,0
880 DATA 254,170,238,170,238,170,254,0
890 DATA 0,7,15,30,61,122,117,106
900 DATA 0,255,255,170,85,170,85,170
910 DATA 0,255,255,170,85,170,85,170
920 DATA 0,224,240,184,92,174,86,174
930 DATA 117,106,117,58,29,15,7,0
940 DATA 85,170,85,170,85,255,255,0
950 DATA 85,170,85,170,85,255,255,0
960 DATA 86,174,94,188,120,240,224,0
970 DATA 0,1,51,110,117,106,117,106
980 DATA 0,255,85,170,89,172,86,42
990 DATA 0,224,88,175,85,202,96,170
1000 DATA 0,112,216,172,86,174,86,174
1010 DATA 117,98,116,106,53,26,7,0
1020 DATA 85,178,89,44,89,170,255,0
1030 DATA 86,140,33,170,85,170,255,0
1040 DATA 86,142,86,174,92,240,128,0
1050 DATA 0,31,63,125,118,109,118,109
1060 DATA 0,255,255,182,219,182,219,182
1070 DATA 0,255,255,219,109,219,109,219
1080 DATA 0,248,252,110,182,110,182,110
1090 DATA 118,109,118,109,118,63,31,0
1100 DATA 219,182,219,182,219,255,255,0
1110 DATA 109,219,109,219,109,255,255,0
1120 DATA 182,110,182,110,190,252,248,0
1130 DATA 0,255,231,219,219,231,255,0
1140 DATA 170,85,170,85,170,85,170,85
1150 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,1,15,127
1160 DATA 0,0,0,3,63,255,50,255
1170 DATA 0,0,0,192,252,255,76,255
1180 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,128,240,254
1190 DATA 85,1,0,0,0,0,0,0
1200 DATA 170,213,106,29,0,0,0,0
1210 DATA 170,85,170,84,0,0,0,0
1220 DATA 170,128,0,0,0,0,0,0
1230 REM
1240 DIM q$(11)
1250 nivf=90:ni=1:vi=3:fu=nivf:pu=0
1260 PRINT cls$
1270 FOR t=30 TO 54 STEP 4:PRINT FN at$(5,t);CHR$(220);CHR$(221);CHR$(222);CHR$(223);FN at$(6,t);CHR$(224);CHR$(225);CHR$(226);CHR$(227)
1280 PRINT FN at$(11,t);CHR$(220);CHR$(221);CHR$(222);CHR$(223);FN at$(12,t);CHR$(224);CHR$(225);CHR$(226);CHR$(227)
1290 NEXT t
1300 FOR t=7 TO 9 STEP 2
1310 PRINT FN at$(t,30);CHR$(220);CHR$(221);CHR$(222);CHR$(223);FN at$(t+1,30);CHR$(224);CHR$(225);CHR$(226);CHR$(227)
1320 PRINT FN at$(t,54);CHR$(220);CHR$(221);CHR$(222);CHR$(223);FN at$(t+1,54);CHR$(224);CHR$(225);CHR$(226);CHR$(227)
1330 NEXT t
1340 w$=CHR$(238)+CHR$(239)+CHR$(240)+CHR$(241):s$=CHR$(242)+CHR$(243)+CHR$(244)+CHR$(245):PRINT FN at$(8,36);w$;" DEIMOS ";w$;FN at$(9,36);s$;FN at$(9,48);s$
1350 PRINT FN at$(15,22);"(C) Copyright 23-7-1988 Jorge Perez Barreiro"
1360 FOR t=22 TO 65:PRINT FN at$(17,t);CHR$(237):NEXT t
1370 FOR t=1 TO 11:q$(t)="                      ":NEXT t
1380 ob$="":cob=0:jk=0
1390 coo2=INT(RND*17)+1
1400 coo1=INT(RND*8)+2
1410 MID$(q$(coo1),coo2,6)="ABTBBD"
1420 MID$(q$(coo1+1),coo2,6)="ETTTTF"
1430 MID$(q$(coo1+2),coo2,6)="GHHHHI"
1440 FOR t=ASC("P") TO ASC("S")
1450 po1=INT(RND*11)+1:po2=INT(RND*22)+1:IF MID$(q$(po1),po2,1)<>" " OR (po1=coo1-1 AND po2=coo2+2) THEN GOTO 1450
1460 MID$(q$(po1),po2,1)=CHR$(t)
1470 NEXT t
1480 FOR t=1 TO 11
1490 FOR y=1 TO 22
1500 IF MID$(q$(t),y,1)<>" " THEN GOTO 1570
1510 io=INT(RND*6)+1
1520 IF io=1 THEN p$="K"
1530 IF io=2 THEN p$="L"
1540 IF io=3 THEN p$="M"
1550 IF io>3 THEN p$=" "
1560 MID$(q$(t),y,1)=p$
1570 NEXT y
1580 NEXT t
1590 FOR t=1 TO INT(RND*3)+1
1600 po1=INT(RND*11)+1:po2=INT(RND*22)+1:IF MID$(q$(po1),po2,1)<>" " THEN GOTO 1600
1610 MID$(q$(po1),po2,1)="O"
1620 NEXT t
1630 FOR t=1 TO INT(RND*5)+1
1640 po1=INT(RND*11)+1:po2=INT(RND*22)+1:IF MID$(q$(po1),po2,1)<>" " THEN GOTO 1640
1650 MID$(q$(po1),po2,1)="N"
1660 NEXT t
1670 IF ni>1 THEN FOR t=15 TO 19:PRINT FN at$(t,34);LEFT$(o$,21):NEXT t:GOTO 1710
1680 PRINT cls$
1690 FOR t=0 TO 89:PRINT FN at$(0,t);CHR$(236);FN at$(4,t);CHR$(236):NEXT
1700 FOR t=1 TO 3:PRINT FN at$(t,0);CHR$(236);FN at$(t,89);CHR$(236):NEXT t
1710 PRINT FN at$(1,3);"PUNTOS:";pu;FN at$(1,19);"FUERZA:";fu
1720 PRINT FN at$(3,3);"RECORD:";re;FN at$(3,19);"NIVEL:";ni
1730 PRINT FN at$(1,36);"OBJETO:":PRINT FN at$(2,68);"NAVES:";
1740 PRINT FN at$(3,36);"RECORD POR ";inverse1$;no$;inverse0$;" EN EL NIVEL";nivr
1750 IF ni>1 THEN GOTO 1820
1760 FOR t=1 TO vi:PRINT FN at$(2,(t*4)+70);CHR$(238);CHR$(239);CHR$(240);CHR$(241)
1770 PRINT FN at$(3,(t*4)+70);CHR$(242);CHR$(243);CHR$(244);CHR$(245)
1780 NEXT t
1790 o$="":i$="":FOR t=1 TO 90:i$=i$+CHR$(237):o$=o$+" ":NEXT t
1800 FOR t=5 TO 28:PRINT FN at$(t,0);CHR$(237);FN at$(t,89);CHR$(237):NEXT t
1810 PRINT FN at$(4,0);i$;FN at$(27,0);i$
1820 FOR r=1 TO 11
1830 FOR i=1 TO 22
1840 u$=MID$(q$(r),i,1)
1850 IF u$=" " OR u$="T" THEN GOTO 2040
1860 IF u$="A" THEN w$="  "+CHR$(201)+CHR$(200):s$="  "+CHR$(201)+CHR$(237):GOTO 2030
1870 IF u$="B" THEN w$=CHR$(200)+CHR$(200)+CHR$(200)+CHR$(200):s$="    ":GOTO 2030
1880 IF u$="D" THEN w$=CHR$(200)+CHR$(201)+"  ":s$=CHR$(237)+CHR$(201)+"  ":GOTO 2030
1890 IF u$="E" THEN w$="  "+CHR$(201)+CHR$(237):s$=w$:GOTO 2030
1900 IF u$="F" THEN w$=CHR$(237)+CHR$(201)+"  ":s$=w$:GOTO 2030
1910 IF u$="G" THEN w$="  "+CHR$(201)+CHR$(202):s$="    ":GOTO 2030
1920 IF u$="H" THEN w$=CHR$(202)+CHR$(202)+CHR$(202)+CHR$(202):s$="    ":GOTO 2030
1930 IF u$="I" THEN w$=CHR$(202)+CHR$(201)+"  ":s$="    ":GOTO 2030
1940 IF u$="K" THEN w$="":s$="":t=212:FOR y=t TO t+3:w$=w$+CHR$(y):NEXT y:FOR y=t+4 TO t+7:s$=s$+CHR$(y):NEXT y:GOTO 2030
1950 IF u$="L" THEN w$="":s$="":t=220:FOR y=t TO t+3:w$=w$+CHR$(y):NEXT y:FOR y=t+4 TO t+7:s$=s$+CHR$(y):NEXT y:GOTO 2030
1960 IF u$="M" THEN w$="":s$="":t=228:FOR y=t TO t+3:w$=w$+CHR$(y):NEXT y:FOR y=t+4 TO t+7:s$=s$+CHR$(y):NEXT y:GOTO 2030
1970 IF u$="N" THEN w$="":s$="":t=192:FOR y=t TO t+3:w$=w$+CHR$(y):NEXT y:FOR y=t+4 TO t+7:s$=s$+CHR$(y):NEXT y:GOTO 2030
1980 IF u$="O" THEN w$="":s$="":t=160:FOR y=t TO t+3:w$=w$+CHR$(y):NEXT y:FOR y=t+4 TO t+7:s$=s$+CHR$(y):NEXT y:GOTO 2030
1990 IF u$="P" THEN w$="":s$="":t=176:FOR y=t TO t+3:w$=w$+CHR$(y):NEXT y:FOR y=t+4 TO t+7:s$=s$+CHR$(y):NEXT y:GOTO 2030
2000 IF u$="Q" THEN w$="":s$="":t=168:FOR y=t TO t+3:w$=w$+CHR$(y):NEXT y:FOR y=t+4 TO t+7:s$=s$+CHR$(y):NEXT y:GOTO 2030
2010 IF u$="R" THEN w$="":s$="":t=204:FOR y=t TO t+3:w$=w$+CHR$(y):NEXT y:FOR y=t+4 TO t+7:s$=s$+CHR$(y):NEXT y:GOTO 2030
2020 IF u$="S" THEN w$="":s$="":t=184:FOR y=t TO t+3:w$=w$+CHR$(y):NEXT y:FOR y=t+4 TO t+7:s$=s$+CHR$(y):NEXT y:GOTO 2030
2030 PRINT FN at$(r*2+4,i*4-3);w$;FN at$(r*2+5,i*4-3);s$
2040 NEXT i
2050 NEXT r
2060 li=INT(RND*11)+1:co=INT(RND*22)+1:IF MID$(q$(li),co,1)<>" " THEN GOTO 2060
2070 lii=li*2+4:coi=co*4-3
2080 z$=CHR$(238)+CHR$(239)+CHR$(240)+CHR$(241):x$=CHR$(242)+CHR$(243)+CHR$(244)+CHR$(245)
2090 PRINT FN at$(lii,coi);z$;FN at$(lii+1,coi);x$
2100 l$=INKEY$:IF l$<>"" THEN GOTO 2140
2110 REM
2120 jk=jk+1:IF jk>(150-5*ni) THEN jk=0:fu=fu-5:PRINT FN at$(1,26);fu;" ":IF fu<1 THEN GOTO 2650
2130 GOTO 2100
2140 li2=li:co2=co
2150 IF (l$="q" OR ASC(l$)=31) AND li>1 THEN li=li-1
2160 IF (l$="a" OR ASC(l$)=30) AND li<11 THEN li=li+1
2170 IF (l$="o" OR ASC(l$)=99) AND co>1 THEN co=co-1
2180 IF (l$="p" OR ASC(l$)=6) AND co<22 THEN co=co+1
2190 j$=MID$(q$(li),co,1)
2200 lii=li*2+4:coi=co*4-3
2210 IF j$="K" THEN fu=fu-20:pu=pu+100:GOTO 2360
2220 IF j$="L" THEN fu=fu-30:pu=pu+150:GOTO 2360
2230 IF j$="M" THEN fu=fu-10:pu=pu+50:GOTO 2360
2240 IF j$="O" THEN fu=fu+60:pu=pu+300:GOTO 2360
2250 IF j$="N" THEN fu=fu+30:pu=pu+200:GOTO 2360
2260 IF j$="P" OR j$="Q" OR j$="R" OR j$="S" THEN pu=pu+125:GOTO 2450
2270 IF j$=" " OR j$="T" THEN GOTO 2290
2280 li=li2:co=co2:GOTO 2110
2290 lii2=li2*2+4:coi2=co2*4-3
2300 PRINT FN at$(lii2,coi2);"    ";FN at$(lii2+1,coi2);"    "
2310 lii=li*2+4:coi=co*4-3
2320 PRINT FN at$(lii,coi);z$;FN at$(lii+1,coi);x$
2330 IF fu<1 THEN GOTO 2650
2340 IF li=coo1 AND co-2=coo2 AND ob$<>"" THEN GOTO 2550
2350 GOTO 2110
2360 IF j$="O" OR j$="N" THEN f=9:d=0.06:GOSUB 3420:f=7:d=0.006:GOSUB 3420:f=8:d=0.005:GOSUB 3420:GOTO 2390
2370 v$=CHR$(203)+CHR$(203)+CHR$(203)+CHR$(203):PRINT FN at$(lii,coi);v$;FN at$(lii+1,coi);v$
2380 f=2:d=0.003:GOSUB 3420:f=1:d=0.003:GOSUB 3420
2390 PRINT FN at$(lii,coi);"    ";FN at$(lii+1,coi);"    "
2400 MID$(q$(li),co)=" "
2410 PRINT FN at$(1,10);pu
2420 IF fu<1 THEN fu=0
2430 PRINT FN at$(1,26);fu;" "
2440 GOTO 2290
2450 IF ob$<>"" THEN GOTO 2280
2460 f=9:d=0.08:GOSUB 3420:f=8:d=0.08:GOSUB 3420:f=7:d=0.02:GOSUB 3420:f=8:d=0.02:GOSUB 3420
2470 MID$(q$(li),co)=" "
2480 ob$=j$
2490 IF j$="P" THEN g$="":h$="":t=176:FOR y=t TO t+3:g$=g$+CHR$(y):NEXT y:FOR y=t+4 TO t+7:h$=h$+CHR$(y):NEXT y:GOTO 2530
2500 IF j$="Q" THEN g$="":h$="":t=168:FOR y=t TO t+3:g$=g$+CHR$(y):NEXT y:FOR y=t+4 TO t+7:h$=h$+CHR$(y):NEXT y:GOTO 2530
2510 IF j$="R" THEN g$="":h$="":t=204:FOR y=t TO t+3:g$=g$+CHR$(y):NEXT y:FOR y=t+4 TO t+7:h$=h$+CHR$(y):NEXT y:GOTO 2530
2520 IF j$="S" THEN g$="":h$="":t=184:FOR y=t TO t+3:g$=g$+CHR$(y):NEXT y:FOR y=t+4 TO t+7:h$=h$+CHR$(y):NEXT y:GOTO 2530
2530 PRINT FN at$(1,44);g$;FN at$(2,44);h$
2540 GOTO 2290
2550 PRINT FN at$(1,44);"    ";FN at$(2,44);"    "
2560 cob=cob+1
2570 v1=(coo1+1)*2+4:v2=coo2*4-3
2580 PRINT FN at$(v1,v2+(cob*4));g$
2590 PRINT FN at$(v1+1,v2+(cob*4));h$
2600 MID$(q$(coo1+1),coo2+cob,1)="A"
2610 FOR k=9 TO 1 STEP -2:f=k:d=0.005:GOSUB 3420:NEXT k
2620 IF cob=4 THEN GOTO 2980
2630 ob$=""
2640 GOTO 2110
2650 v$=CHR$(203)+CHR$(203)+CHR$(203)+CHR$(203):PRINT FN at$(lii,coi);v$;FN at$(lii+1,coi);v$
2660 lii=li*2+4:coi=co*4-3
2670 FOR k=1 TO 12
2680 PRINT FN at$(lii,coi);v$;FN at$(lii+1,coi);v$
2690 PRINT FN at$(lii,coi);"    ";FN at$(lii+1,coi);"    "
2700 f=INT(RND*9)+1:d=0.003:GOSUB 3420
2710 NEXT k
2720 vi=vi-1
2730 fu=fu+nivf:PRINT FN at$(1,26);fu
2740 IF vi=-1 THEN GOTO 2810
2750 PRINT FN at$(2,74+vi*4);"    "
2760 PRINT FN at$(3,74+vi*4);"    "
2770 GOTO 2070
2780 FOR t=5 TO 27:PRINT FN at$(t,0);i$:NEXT t
2790 FOR t=27 TO 6 STEP -1:PRINT FN at$(t,1);LEFT$(o$,87);" ":NEXT t
2810 GOSUB 2780
2820 PRINT FN at$(15,32);"** G A M E  O V E R **"
2830 IF pu<=re THEN GOTO 2960
2840 re=pu:nivr=ni
2860 PRINT cursor1$
2880 IF LEN(no$)>3 THEN GOTO 2870
2890 PRINT cursor0$
2900 OPEN "R",1,"fdeimos.dat"
2910 FIELD 1,7 AS pu$,3 AS nom$,3 AS niv$
2920 LSET pu$=STR$(re):LSET nom$=no$:LSET niv$=STR$(ni)
2930 PUT 1,1
2940 CLOSE 1
2950 GOTO 2970
2960 IF INKEY$<>" " THEN GOTO 2960
2970 GOTO 1250
2980 REM
2990 FOR k=2 TO 8:f=k:d=0.07:GOSUB 3420:f=k+1:d=0.04:GOSUB 3420:f=k-1:d=0.06:GOSUB 3420:NEXT k
3000 GOSUB 2780
3010 FOR t=34 TO 54:PRINT FN at$(15,t);CHR$(201);FN at$(19,t);CHR$(201):NEXT t
3020 FOR t=16 TO 18:PRINT FN at$(t,34);CHR$(201);CHR$(201);FN at$(t,53);CHR$(201);CHR$(201):NEXT t
3030 ni=ni+1:pu=pu+500
3040 PRINT FN at$(17,38);"N I V E L ";ni
3050 GOTO 1370
3060 PRINT FN at$(11,30);:GOTO 3060
3070 STOP
3090 MEMORY 61999!
3100 RESTORE 3150
3110 FOR n=62000! TO 62091!
3120 READ d
3130 POKE n,d
3140 NEXT n
3150 DATA 229,213,197,221,229,42,75,242,237,91,73,242,205,77,242,62
3160 DATA 12,211,248,221,225,193,209,225,201,0,0,0,0,243,125,203
3170 DATA 61,203,61,47,230,3,79,6,0,221,33,97,242,221,9,62
3180 DATA 11,0,0,0,4,12,13,32,253,14,63,5,32,248,60,254
3190 DATA 13,32,2,61,61,211,248,68,79,254,11,32,9,122,179,40
3200 DATA 9,121,77,27,221,233,77,12,221,233,251,201
3210 a=62000!
3220 b=62025!
3230 c=62027!
3240 DIM e(12)
3250 FOR n=0 TO 11
3260 READ f
3270 e(n)=f
3280 NEXT n
3290 DATA 261.63
3300 DATA 277.18
3310 DATA 293.66
3320 DATA 311.13
3330 DATA 329.63
3340 DATA 349.23
3350 DATA 369.99
3360 DATA 392.00
3370 DATA 415.30
3380 DATA 440.00
3390 DATA 466.16
3400 DATA 493.88
3420 REM
3430 f2=e(f)
3440 t=3500000!/(f2*2):t=INT(t/4-30.125)
3450 IF t<0 THEN t=1
3460 f2=INT(f2*d)
3470 IF f2<0 THEN f2=1
3480 POKE b,f2-256*INT(f2/256)
3490 POKE b+1,INT(f2/256)
3500 POKE c,t-256*INT(t/256)
3510 POKE c+1,INT(t/256)
3520 CALL a
3550 lla=62228!
3560 RESTORE 3620
3570 FOR s=62228! TO 62280!
3580 READ a$:op=VAL("&H"+a$)
3590 POKE s,op
3600 NEXT s
3620 DATA 2A,01,00,11,57,00,19,22,3E
3630 DATA F3,01,27,F3,CD,3D,F3,E9,00,C9,2A,40,F3,26,00,29,29,29,11,00,B8,19,11,41,F3
3640 DATA EB,01,08,00,ED,B0,C9,C3,38,00,0B,00,B0,04,87,20,4C,44,49
3650 POKE 62272!,ca:FOR t=62273! TO 62280!:READ by:POKE t,by:NEXT t:CALL lla:RETURN
3660 STOP


       Q = UP
       A = DOWN
       P = RIGHT
       O = LEFT

Loading the program

 1.- Insert the CP/M disc on side 2
 2.- Write BASIC and wait for it to load
 3.- Remove the CP/M disk and insert the disk containing the Deimos game
 4.- Type run "Deimos" and press the "ENTER" key


The game came in the disc magazine, PCW User number 1 side B.


  • Deimos (game in dsk format, compressed with zip)


en/deimos.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/30 09:50 by jevicac