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Author Wayne Gordon
Computer Amstrad PCW 8256 / 8512 / 9512
Year 1987
Gender Board
Controls Keyboard
Languages English
State Preserved



This is a PCW implementation of the classic two player game, which you can play against the computer or a friend.

It is possible to play any number of games at one of two levels: easy or hard.

When your name appears in reverse video it's your turn to play. Use the T and Y keys to move the marker along the top of the board, press the space bar to drop a tile and try to connect a line of four to win the game. You are informed when someone has won and situations where no one can win are checked and a draw is announced.

Be careful: your Amstrad isn't easy to beat, especially at level two, and hours of careful planning can be wiped out in one move.

On the contrary, a little thought and strategy can get you out of the most difficult situations.


  • Listing - CONNECTF.BAS
10 REM       Connect Four
20 REM      By Wayne Gordon
30 REM (c) Computing with the Amstrad 
40 REM ------------ PCW ------------- 
50 GOSUB 1150:GOSUB 1320
60 REM Scan keyboard
70 PRINT FNpo$(0,5,"One or Two Players ¯1/2® ");:INPUT"",pl
80 IF pl=1 THEN pL1$="Amstrad":GOTO 100 
90 PRINT FNpo$(0,5,"Player1 enter your name:" );:INPUT pL1$
100 PRINT e$+"A";e$+"K";"Player 2 enter your name:";:INPUT pL2$
110 PRINT e$+"A";e$+"K";"Out of how many game/s ";
120 INPUT ga:IF ga/2=INT(ga/2) THEN PRINT e$+"A";e$+"K":GOTO 110
130 IF pl=1 THEN PRINT e$+"A";e$+"K";"Level ¯1/2® ";:INPUT level
140 PRINT e$+"A";e$+"K";
150 IF level=1 THEN level=4 ELSE level=5000
160 pL1$=MID$(pL1$,1,7):pL2$=MID$(pL2$,1,7)
170 REM Who's go (even no.=player2) 
180 PRINT FN po$(19,28,"T = Left   Y = Right       Space Bar = Drop")
190 PRINT e$+"r";FNpo$(0,6,"Out of");ga;"games:";e$+"u"
200 GOSUB 1230
210 x=30:count=1+count2
220 p1L=count/2:p2L=INT(count/2):IF p1L<>p2L THEN p1L=1 ELSE p1L=0
230 IF p1L THEN te$=STRING$(2,188):PRINT e$+"p";FNpo$(21,11,pL1$);e$+"q";FNpo$(64,11,pL2$):ELSE te$=STRING$(2,187):PRINT FNpo$(21,11,pL1$);e$+"p";FNpo$(64,11,pL2$);e$+"q""
240 PRINT FNpo$(x,9,"");e$+"e";
250 IF pl=1 THEN IF p1L THEN GOSUB 970:a$=CHR$(32):GOTO 290
260 a$=INKEY$:IF a$="" THEN 250
270 IF LOWER$(a$)="t" THEN IF x>32 THEN x=x-5
280 IF LOWER$(a$)="y" THEN IF x<58 THEN x=x+5
290 PRINT FNpo$(x,9,"");e$+"e";
300 IF a$=CHR$(32) THEN PRINT e$+"f":GOSUB 490:GOTO 320
310 GOTO 260
320 REM Move
330 count=count+1
340 valid=1:edd=0:y=2
350 WHILE valid
360 y=y+1
370 IF y>10 OR FNst$<>"" THEN PRINT STRING$(2,7):count=count-1:IF p1L<>p2L THEN cont1=cont1+1:whe=whe-1:GOTO 240:ELSE cont2=cont2+1:whe=whe-1:GOTO 240
380 IF state$(x,y)="" THEN 430
390 IF edd THEN state$(x,y)=te$:valid=0:IF test=0 THEN PRINT CHR$(7)
400 WEND
410 IF count>=6 GOTO 550
420 GOTO 220
430 REM Drop coin
440 PRINT FNpo$(x,(y-4)*2+9,"  ");FNpo$(x,(y-3)*2+9,te$)
450 IF y=10 THEN edd=1:GOTO 390
460 IF state$(x,y+1)<>"" THEN edd=1:GOTO 390
470 GOTO 360
480 REM Pick up coin
490 IF INT(count/17)=count/17 THEN xco=xco+4
500 IF yco>24 THEN yco=17
510 IF p1L THEN PRINT FNpo$(xco,yco,"  "):cont1=cont1-1:PRINT FNpo$(4,26,"");cont1 ELSE PRINT FNpo$(xco+78,yco,"  "):cont2=cont2-1:PRINT FNpo$(82,26,"");cont2 
520 IF count=33 THEN PRINT FNpo$(10,17,"  ") ELSE IF count=17 THEN PRINT FNpo$(2,24,"  ");FNpo$(6,24,te$)
530 whe=whe+1:IF whe=2 THEN whe=0:yco=yco+1
550 REM check1
560 gam=0:game=0
570 IF test=1 THEN te$=STRING$(2,188) ELSE IF test=2 THEN te$=STRING$(2,187)
580 g=1:FOR f=x+5 TO x+15 STEP 5:xc(g)=f:yc(g)=y-g:g=g+1:NEXT:GOSUB 750
590 FOR f=1 TO 3:yc(f)=y+f:NEXT:GOSUB 750
600 FOR f=1 TO 3:yc(f)=y:NEXT:GOSUB 750 
610 g=1:FOR f=x-5 TO x-15 STEP -5:xc(g)=f:yc(g)=y+g:g=g+1:NEXT:GOSUB 750
620 FOR f=1 TO 3:yc(f)=y-f:NEXT:GOSUB 750
630 FOR f=1 TO 3:yc(f)=y:NEXT:GOSUB 750 
640 g=1:FOR f=x+5 TO x+10 STEP 5:xc(g)=f:yc(g)=y-g:g=g+1:NEXT:yc(3)=y+1:xc(3)=x-5:GOSUB 750
650 FOR f=1 TO 2:yc(f)=y+f:NEXT:yc(3)=y-1:GOSUB 750
660 FOR f=1 TO 3:yc(f)=y:NEXT:GOSUB 750 
670 g=1:FOR f=x-10 TO x-5 STEP 5:xc(g)=f:yc(g)=y+3-g:g=g+1:NEXT:xc(3)=x+5:yc(3)=y-1:GOSUB 750
680 FOR f=1 TO 2:yc(f)=y-3+f:NEXT:yc(3)=y+1:GOSUB 750
690 FOR f=1 TO 3:yc(f)=y:NEXT:GOSUB 750 
700 FOR f=1 TO 3:yc(f)=y+f:xc(f)=x:NEXT:GOSUB 750
710 IF test THEN 1110
720 IF game THEN 800
730 IF count>=49 THEN PRINT FNpo$(36,5,"Draw::"):FOR f=1 TO 3000:NEXT:GOTO 860 
740 GOTO 220
750 gam=0:f=1:REM Check2
760 WHILE (NOT game AND f<4)
770 IF state$(xc(f),yc(f))=te$ THEN gam=gam+1 ELSE f=4
780 IF gam=3 THEN game=1
790 f=f+1:WEND:RETURN
800 REM Game=Won
810 game1=game1+1
820 IF game1/2<>INT(game1/2) THEN count2=1 ELSE count2=0
830 IF p1L THEN pL1=pL1+1 ELSE pL2=pL2+1 
840 IF pL1=ROUND(ga/2) OR pL2=ROUND(ga/2) THEN 900
850 PRINT FNpo$(21,9,"GAME:");pL1;FNpo$(65,9,"GAME:");pL2
860 PRINT FNpo$(31,5,"Press any key to continue !")
870 WHILE INKEY$="":WEND:PRINT e$+"A"+e$+"K"
880 FOR f=30 TO 66 STEP 5:FOR g=1 TO 10:state$(f,g)="":PRINT FNpo$(f,g*2+9,"  ":NEXT g,f
890 GOTO 200
900 REM Who Won Overall ?
910 IF p1L THEN te$=pL1$ ELSE te$=pL2$ 
920 PRINT FNpo$(37,4,te$);" you WON !" 
930 PRINT STRING$(1,7):FOR f=1 TO 1000:NEXT:PRINT STRING$(7,7)
940 PRINT: INPUT"Y====RUN again";a$:IF UPPER$(a$)="Y" THEN PRINT e$+"e":RUN
950 PRINT c$;"Don't give up !!!!!!";e$+"e"
960 END
970 REM Amstrad's Move
980 temp=y:temp$=te$:PRINT e$+"f";
990 IF count<6 THEN 1040
1000 test=1:GOSUB 1070:IF game THEN 1050 
1010 test=2:GOSUB 1070:IF game THEN 1030 
1020 GOTO 1040
1030 RANDOMIZE PEEK(64504!):k=INT(RND*level)+1:IF k=3 THEN 1040 ELSE 1050
1040 RANDOMIZE PEEK(64504!):x=datt(INT(RND*7)+1)
1050 IF FNst$<>"" THEN 1040
1060 te$=temp$:y=temp:test=0:RETURN 
1070 x=25
1080 x=x+5:IF FNst$<>"" THEN 1080
1090 IF x>60 THEN RETURN
1100 te$="":GOTO 340
1110 IF game THEN IF test=1 THEN RETURN 
1120 IF game THEN IF test=2 THEN RETURN 
1130 IF x<61 THEN 1080
1150 REM init-
1160 e$=CHR$(27):c$=e$+"H"+e$+"E":PRINT c$
1170 DEF FNpo$(x,y,t$)=e$+"Y"+CHR$(32+y)+CHR$(32+x)+t$
1180 DEF FNst$=state$(x,4)
1190 DIM state$(80,14)
1200 FOR f=1 TO 7:READ datt(f):NEXT 
1210 DATA 30,35,40,45,50,55,60
1230 REM Draw Coins
1240 yco=17:xco=2:cont1=24:cont2=24:whe=0
1250 FOR x=2 TO 11 STEP 4:FOR y=17 TO 24
1260 PRINT FNpo$(x,y,STRING$(2,188)) 
1270 NEXT y,x
1280 FOR x=88 TO 77 STEP -4:FOR y=17 TO 24
1290 PRINT FNpo$(x,y,STRING$(2,187)) 
1300 NEXT y,x
1320 REM screen
1330 t1$=STRING$(7,138):t2$=STRING$(4,138)+CHR$(142):t4$=STRING$(7,32)+CHR$(133) 
1340 t5$=STRING$(4,32)+CHR$(133):t6$=STRING$(4,138)+CHR$(143):FOR f=1 TO 7:t7$=t7$+t2$:NEXT
1350 FOR f=1 TO 7:t8$=t8$+t5$:NEXT:t9$=STRING$(4,138)+CHR$(139):FOR f=1 TO 7:t10$=t10$+t9$:NEXT
1360 FOR f=1 TO 7:t11$=t11$+t6$:NEXT:x=20:y=10
1370 PRINT TAB(39);e$+"p";"  CONNECT 4";e$+"q"
1380 PRINT FNpo$(x,y,CHR$(134)+t1$+CHR$(142)+t7$+t1$+CHR$(140)):y=y+1
1390 PRINT FNpo$(x,y,CHR$(133)+t4$+t8$+t4$):y=y+1
1400 PRINT FNpo$(x,y,CHR$(131)+t1$+CHR$(143)+t11$+t1$+CHR$(137)):y=y-1:x=28
1410 FOR f=1 TO 6:y=y+2
1420 PRINT FNpo$(x,y,CHR$(133)+t8$)
1430 PRINT FNpo$(x,y+1,CHR$(135)+t11$);FNpo$(63,y+1,CHR$(141))
1440 NEXT
1450 PRINT FNpo$(x,y,CHR$(133)+t8$)
1460 x=19:PRINT FN po$(x,y+1,STRING$(2,138)+t1$+CHR$(139)+t10$+t1$+STRING$(2,138))


       T = LEFT
       Y = RIGHT

Loading the program

 1.- Insert the CP/M disc on side 2
 2.- Write BASIC and wait for it to load
 3.- Remove the CP/M disk and insert the disk containing the Connect four game
 4.- Type run "Connectf" and press the "ENTER" key"


  • Listing of the program in a large-circulation magazine of the time

connect_four_01.jpg connect_four_02.jpg


en/connect_four.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/30 09:30 by jevicac