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Company Database Software
Distributora Database Software
Year 1989
Packaging Rigid cardboard box 21.70×16.00×4.00
Compatibility PCW 8256 - PCW 8512 - PCW 9512
Peripherals RS232 Interface - Modem - Printer
Load CP/M+
Language English
Price Spain: 7,700 pesetas - England: £44.99
Status Preserved



Released by Database Software in 1989, it was an office suite available for various home computers, including the Amstrad PCW. This package had already appeared in 1987 and, as expected, over the years it had different versions that improved the program..

Within the office package are the following applications:

  1. Word processor
  2. Database
  3. Spreadsheet
  4. Graphics
  5. Communications

The word processor allows the user, after uploading, creating a document and saving it, to load the word file directly from disk without having to reload the word processor.

Mini Office Professional is supplied in a cardboard box containing: a very detailed spiral-bound manual, a fairly enlarged book, a quick guide, additional information and two 3“ discs.

Word processor

It includes a word processor with all the functions that any user could wish for. There are several commands among which stand out: Movement through the text document, elimination of characters, words or lines, and manipulation of text blocks (delete, copy, move, etc). It can automatically number pages, display the number of characters entered, document size, memory space, and much more.

There is a preview mode of how our document will look, we have available the page format, justification, page length, margins, positioning of headers and footers, individual text files that we can mix to create a larger document, etc.

Documents can be saved and loaded from disk. The weird thing about the program is that it doesn't seem to have the main features like underline, italic, condense, etc. To use the set of functions mentioned above we must use some printing codes that will have to be entered in each session with the word processor, something that we will have to remember every time we use the package.


The database module allows us to create and maintain files of information that we can manipulate in any way we want. A record can be defined with up to 20 fields and each field can be decimal or integer. Date in format (DD/MM/YY) or another formula. Very easy record editing with the possibility of creating sub-databases for separate handling. The calculation of one record field can be done with the contents of others and in edit mode individual records can be printed directly.

The print menu is very extensive, which allows us to print all the records or the marked ones, the selection of the fields or parts of each field to be printed. We also have control of the printer in terms of page length and printer codes.

The search option allows us to search all the records or only the marked ones, with the search operators that include the combinations =, <and> and the use of wildcards. We can mark the entirety of a field or selected records, alter their values ​​through the marked records. The type of report produced makes it easy to combine it with the word processor, opening the possibility of making invoices, receipts, etc.


Like the word processor, this module is quite extensive. The default spreadsheet on the screen is 10 columns by 25 rows, but it is automatically enlarged as needed. Text and numeric values ​​are easily editable, along with complex formulas in each spreadsheet cell, column width, and changing the number of decimal places. Saved spreadsheet data is fully compatible with the chart module, so that the data can be displayed as a chart.


We have the option of producing bar, linear, circular or data graphs that we will either enter directly or through the loading of the files that we have previously created, whether they are produced in the spreadsheet.

The pie chart offers the possibility of using one or more segments of the pie for greater effect. The bar chart can be created in a flat or three-dimensional way. After having produced the desired graphic, the text can be placed in the area of the screen that we want. The resulting graphs can be saved to disk for later use in this module, or for use in other programs. The graphics are saved on disk in a suitable format so that they can later be loaded into the word processor with the possibility of generating a document with the graphic data..


The communications module is somewhat deficient. The first thing we will have to do is configure our RS-232 interface (it must be placed before turning on the PCW so that the program detects it) and configure it. After configuring the interface we will have to define the communications protocol among which we have the options (Microlink and Prestel). All the previously established information can be saved in the program so that we can have the default values ​​by ourselves, each time we use the communications menu.

The module is designed to work with a serial modem connected to the interface. Keys for communication and display options can be configured.

In summary

This package is very complete although it only scratches the surface in some areas, albeit well integrated. There are some deficiencies that could be solved in later versions. A good program that we recommend for its ease of use and simple menus, which integrate all the needs of any user who works in the office or privately.


In the following images you can check the original packaging, the real measurements of the box, the tabs on the corners of the front cover are 4.00 cm (flap) and the back is 3.30 cm, for those who want to print the box in open.


Here you have the front and back of the original box, which are independent and fit one on top of the other.


The manual is of the plastic ring type and its covers are made of hard cardboard. Its measurements are: Height 21.00 x Width 14.90 cm.

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This book is attached to the mini office professional package, a kind of quite detailed program help, to better understand it and was written by John M. Hughes. The book is made of soft cardboard cover, its measurements are: Height: 20.50 x Length: 14.50 x Width: 1.4 cm. This manual can be downloaded at the bottom of the page in the download section.

This book is listed as the official guide for Mini Office Professional and recommended by Database Software. It's all in this book. The book was supplied with Mini Office Professional and was not sold separately.

Mentioned as the 5 star book, it details the entire package of Mini Office Professional which has an introduction to all of its own features. All aspects of the highly developed package are described, such as:

Word processing Spreadsheet Graphics Communications

This book is more than a manual, giving tips and advice on Mini Office Professional, with some unique features to save time and improve your presentation. Within its pages we will find everything necessary to achieve the maximum performance of all its aspects.

If we thought PCW was just a Locoscript engine, this book will make you think the opposite. It is written in a very clear and useful way, in the style of a professional expert in the computer business and with all the aspects of this professional package. John Hughes, its author, has fully exploited this potential tool for the office.



Original discs supplied with Mini Office Professional.


Custom labels to print. Over the years due to their use, the labels are damaged and lose their color and quality. Now we try to adapt the most similar to the extent of our possibilities, the labels so that they can be printed and replaced or for those of you who work with a copy of the program and preserve the original disc. 1 and 2.- Original labels 3 and 4.- Labels for 3” discs 5, 6 and 7.- Labels for 3.5“ discs. Measurement in 3“ height: 7.00 cm - width: 7.10 cm.


Below you have in the first two images a triptych of the mini office reference letter, a kind of summary or shortcut of the program, it is a single triptych, its measurement is 20.5 high x 44.70 cm wide in glossy soft cardboard (glossy paper). The following two images show the additional information of the program, although the image is split in two, it is made up of a single sheet with a height measurement: 20.70 x width 14.90 cm. The fifth image with the orange card contains the address of the distributor of the product, so that in case of failure of the program you can claim your return, its measurement is 9.00 high x 21.00 cm wide. The sixth image describes the customer services sheet on a single side with dimensions height 17.30 x width 14.50 cm and to finish, the following three images form the catalog of available products that come inside the box of the program have DIN-A4 size. The last sheet that comes inside said catalog has a dimension of Height 21.10 x Width 14.90 cm.



The disc images have been obtained from the original version of Mini Office Professional 1989, have been recorded and verified.


Below you can download the book or the instructions that accompany the program Mini Office Professional 1989 or view it online.


en/aplicaciones/mini_office_professional_-_1989_or.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/27 08:42 by jevicac