Tabla de Contenidos



Autor ????????
Compatibilidad Amstrad PCW 8256 / 8512 / 9512
Año ????
Género Arcade
Controles Teclado
Idioma Inglés
Estado Preservado



Algo no va bien en la fábrica de herramientas… suena la alarma que nos da el aviso de fallo en los sistemas de la maquinaria, una cinta transportadora se ha roto, y la cinta se ha vuelto loca. Hay herramientas que están cayendo al suelo y rompiéndose.

Hemos recibido una llamada del Jefe que nos ha sobresaltado. Quiere que vayamos urgentemente a la fábrica y manejemos dos camiones pesados pero muy lentos para coger las herramientas y evitar daños.

Se nos pagarán 10 libras por herramienta recuperada, con un bono si cogemos más de 50. Pero si se nos caen más de 10, no llenaremos el saco y perderemos el puesto de trabajo.

Un juego de destreza y agilidad visual que nos hará pasar unos buenos ratos sentados ante nuestro PCW.


10 OPTION RUN:GOSUB 760 :REM Initialize
30 PRINT e$"e"e$"1":MEMORY highmem!:END
40 missed=0:caught=0:POKE pn,255:POKE ppr,0:POKE dbl,1
50 y=23:FOR x=20 TO 68 STEP 2:a(x,y)=0:NEXT
60 PRINT cls$:x=10:x1=78:y=1:title$="WIDGET FACTORY
70 FOR a=1 TO LEN(title$):a$=MID$(title$,a,1)
80 CALL pr(x,y,a$):CALL pr(x1,y,a$):y=y+2:NEXT
90 POKE pn,85:POKE dbl,0:by1=5:by2=7:y1=25:y2=1:y3=3:FOR x=20 TO 68 STEP 2
100 CALL pr(x,by1,belt$):CALL pr(x,by2,belt$):CALL pr(x,y1,floor$)
110 CALL pr(x,y2,roof$):a(x,by1)=1:a(x,by2)=1:POKE pn,255
120 IF x<26 OR(x>32 AND x<40)OR(x>48 AND x<56)OR x>62 THEN CALL pr(x,y3,line$)
130 POKE pn,85:NEXT
140 POKE pn,255:POKE dbl,1:ty=23:tx(0)=30:tx(1)=54
150 FOR a=0 TO 1:truck$(a)=t3$:CALL pr(tx(a),ty,truck$(a)):NEXT
160 FOR a=0 TO 4 STEP 2:FOR b=0 TO 1:a(tx(b)+a,ty)=2:NEXT b,a
170 bx1(0)=22:bx1(1)=46:bx2(0)=66:bx2(1)=(42):s$=" "
180 wx(0)=22:wx(1)=36:wx(2)=52:wx(3)=66:POKE dbl,0
190 FOR a=0 TO 3:wy(a)=2:w1$(a)=w$(a):wx1(a)=wx(a):CALL pr(wx(a),wy(a),w$(a)):NEXT
200 y=27:x=24:a$="Press a key to start.":POKE dbl,1:CALL pr(x,y,a$)
220 x=20:a$="Caught:"+STR$(caught)+SPACE$(6)+"Missed:"+STR$(missed)
230 CALL pr(x,y,a$)
240 REM Make everything move
250 WHILE missed<10:i$=INKEY$
260 REM Work conveyor belts
270 POKE pn,85:POKE dbl,0:FOR a=0 TO 1
280 CALL pr(bx1(a),by1,s$):bx1=bx1(a)-2:CALL pr(bx1,by1,belt$)
290 CALL pr(bx2(a),by2,s$):bx2=bx2(a)+2:CALL pr(bx2,by2,belt$)
300 a(bx1(a),by1)=0:a(bx2(a),by2)=0:a(bx1,by1)=1:a(bx2,by2)=1
310 bx1(a)=bx1(a)+2:IF bx1(a)=72 THEN bx1(a)=22
320 bx2(a)=bx2(a)-2:IF bx2(a)=16 THEN bx2(a)=66
330 NEXT
340 REM Drop widgets
350 POKE dbl,0:POKE pn,255
360 FOR a=0 TO 3
370 IF wy(a)=24 THEN GOSUB 630:PRINT CHR$(7);:POKE pn,85:CALL pr(wx1(a),wy(a),dust$):wy(a)=2:n=INT(RND*4):w1$(a)=w$(n):wx1(a)=wx(n):POKE pn,255:CALL pr(wx1(a),wy(a),w1$(a))
380 IF wy(a)=3 THEN s1$=line$ ELSE s1$=s$
390 IF wy(a)=5 OR wy(a)=7 THEN s1$=belt$:POKE pn,85
400 IF a(wx1(a),wy(a)+1)=0 THEN CALL pr(wx1(a),wy(a),s1$):POKE pn,255:wy(a)=wy(a)+1:CALL pr(wx1(a),wy(a),w1$(a))
410 IF a(wx1(a),wy(a)+1)=2 THEN GOSUB 650:PRINT CHR$(7);:CALL pr(wx1(a),wy(a),s$):wy(a)=2:n=INT(RND*4):wx1(a)=wx(n):w1$(a)=w$(n):CALL pr(wx1(a),wy(a),w1$(a))
420 NEXT
430 IF LOWER$(i$)="z"THEN GOSUB 490
440 IF LOWER$(i$)="x"THEN GOSUB 560
450 IF i$="/"OR i$="?"THEN GOSUB 520
460 IF i$="©"OR i$="@"THEN GOSUB 590
480 REM Move trucks left...
490 POKE dbl,1:POKE pn,255:IF truck$(0)=t4$THEN truck$(0)=t3$:tx(0)=tx(0)+2:CALL pr(tx(0),ty,truck$(0))
500 IF tx(0)<=20 THEN RETURN ELSE tx(0)=tx(0)-2:CALL pr(tx(0),ty,truck$(0)):a(tx(0),ty)=2:a(tx(0)+6,ty)=0
520 POKE dbl,1:POKE pn,255:IF truck$(1)=t4$THEN truck$(1)=t3$:tx(1)=tx(1)+2:CALL pr(tx(1),ty,truck$(1))
530 IF tx(1)<=46 THEN RETURN ELSE tx(1)=tx(1)-2:CALL pr(tx(1),ty,truck$(1)):a(tx(1),ty)=2:a(tx(1)+6,ty)=0
550 REM ...and right
560 POKE dbl,1:POKE pn,255:IF truck$(0)=t3$THEN truck$(0)=t4$:tx(0)=tx(0)-2:CALL pr(tx(0),ty,truck$(0))
570 IF tx(0)>=38 THEN RETURN ELSE tx(0)=tx(0)+2:CALL pr(tx(0),ty,truck$(0)):a(tx(0)+6,ty)=2:a(tx(0),ty)=0
590 POKE dbl,1:POKE pn,255:IF truck$(1)=t3$THEN truck$(1)=t4$:tx(1)=tx(1)-2:CALL pr(tx(1),ty,truck$(1))
600 IF tx(1)>=62 THEN RETURN ELSE tx(1)=tx(1)+2:CALL pr(tx(1),ty,truck$(1)):a(tx(1)+6,ty)=2:a(tx(1),ty)=0
620 REM count hits or misses
630 POKE dbl,1:y=27:x=64:missed=missed+1:a$=STR$(missed)
640 CALL pr(x,y,a$):POKE dbl,0:RETURN
650 POKE dbl,1:y=27:x=34:caught=caught+1:a$=STR$(caught)
660 CALL pr(x,y,a$):POKE dbl,0:RETURN
670 REM Screen at end of game
680 POKE dbl,1:FOR a=0 TO 2000:NEXT:PRINT cls$
690 x=10:y=6:a$="Game over.":CALL pr(x,y,a$)
700 y=10:a$="You have caught"+STR$(caught)+" widgets.":CALL pr(x,y,a$)
710 y=14:pay=caught*10:IF caught>50 THEN pay=pay+(caught-50)*10
720 a$=STR$(pay):a$="You have earned £"+RIGHT$(a$,LEN(a$)-1)+".":CALL pr(x,y,a$)
730 x=10:y=20:a$="Play again?  (Y/N)":CALL pr(x,y,a$)
740 k=0:k$="":WHILE k=0 OR k$="":k$=LOWER$(INKEY$):k=INSTR("yn",k$):WEND:RETURN
750 REM Store machine code
770 e$=CHR$(27):cls$=e$+"E"+e$+"H"+e$+"0":RESTORE 1090
780 DIM a(70,26),w$(3),w1$(3),wx(3),wx1(3),wy(3),truck$(1),tx(1),ty(1),bx1(1),bx2(1)
790 PRINT cls$e$"rW I D G E T   F A C T O R Y
800 PRINT:PRINT e$"uAll is not well at the widget factory...
810 PRINT"A conveyor belt has broken, and valuable widgets are falling to the floor and breaking.
820 PRINT:PRINT"You have been employed to operate two heavy and slow-moving trucks which will
830 PRINT"catch the widgets and prevent damage.
840 PRINT:PRINT"You will be paid £10 per widget, with a bonus if you catch more than 50.
850 PRINT"But if you drop more than 10, you will get the sack.
860 PRINT:PRINT"Operate the left-had truck with 'Z' and 'X', and the right-hand one with '/' and '©'.
870 PRINT:PRINT"Press a key to start.
880 ad=&HE000:READ code:WHILE code<256:POKE ad,code:ad=ad+1:READ code:WEND
890 scrn=&HE000:pr=&HE003:udgs=&HD100:pn=&HD001:ppr=&HD000:dbl=&HD006
900 RESTORE 960:FOR i=0 TO 95:READ j:POKE UDGs+i,j:NEXT
910 t0$=CHR$(0):t1$=CHR$(1):t2$=CHR$(2):t$=t0$+t1$+t2$:t3$=t$+" ":t4$=" "+t$
920 floor$=CHR$(3):belt$=CHR$(4):line$=CHR$(5):roof$=CHR$(6)
930 w$(0)=CHR$(7):w$(1)=CHR$(8):w$(2)=CHR$(9):w$(3)=CHR$(10):dust$=CHR$(11)
950 REM UDG data
960 DATA 255,170,170,170,170,255,7,7
970 DATA 255,181,173,181,173,255,0,0
980 DATA 255,85,85,85,85,255,224,224
990 DATA 255,255,85,85,0,0,0,0
1000 DATA 255,0,102,102,0,255,0,0
1010 DATA 0,255,85,170,85,170,255,0
1020 DATA 85,85,255,255,0,0,0,0
1030 DATA 16,56,84,254,85,62,20,8
1040 DATA 8,24,56,120,56,24,8,126
1050 DATA 96,126,96,126,96,126,96,96
1060 DATA 195,255,24,24,24,60,126,255
1070 DATA 0,0,0,0,4,12,62,127
1080 REM Machine code
1090 DATA 195,6,224,195,91,224,205,41,224,17,152,44,33,0,182,1,104,1,62
1100 DATA 32,245,213,62,8,115,35,114,35,19,61,32,248,209,235,9,235,241,61
1110 DATA 32,236,201,193,205,90,252,233,0,201,102,26,111,34,2,208,10,50,16
1120 DATA 208,3,10,111,3,10,103,237,75,16,208,6,0,17,19,208,237,176,42
1130 DATA 2,208,205,252,224,34,4,208,33,19,208,34,17,208,201,205,48,224,205
1140 DATA 41,224,243,42,17,208,126,35,34,17,208,205,234,224,17,79,225,1,8
1150 DATA 0,237,176,221,42,4,208,14,8,253,33,79,225,42,0,208,125,6,8
1160 DATA 253,203,0,6,56,13,7,221,203,8,22,221,203,0,22,7,195,164,224
1170 DATA 203,4,221,203,8,22,221,203,0,22,203,4,221,203,8,22,221,203,0
1180 DATA 22,16,215,253,35,58,6,208,167,202,209,224,221,126,8,221,119,9,221
1190 DATA 126,0,221,119,1,221,35,121,254,5,194,209,224,1,200,2,221,9,79
1200 DATA 221,35,13,194,130,224,42,4,208,1,16,0,9,34,4,208,33,16,208
1210 DATA 53,194,98,224,251,201,17,0,184,254,32,48,3,17,0,209,111,38,0
1220 DATA 41,41,41,25,201,92,38,0,84,203,37,1,15,225,9,78,35,70,235
1230 DATA 41,41,41,9,201,48,89,0,92,208,94,160,97,112,100,64,103,16,106
1240 DATA 224,108,176,111,128,114,80,117,32,120,240,122,192,125,144,128,96,131,48
1250 DATA 134,0,137,208,139,160,142,112,145,64,148,16,151,224,153,176,156,128,159
1260 DATA 80,162,32,165,240,167,192,170,144,173,96,176,0,0,0,0,0,0,256


      Z = IZQUIERDA (Camión izquierdo)
      X = DERECHA   (Camión izquierdo)
      / = IZQUIERDA (Camión derecho)
      © = DERECHA   (Camión derecho)

Carga del programa

1.- Introducir el disco CP/M por la cara 2
2.- Escribir BASIC y esperar a que cargue
3.- Retirar el disco CP/M e introducir el disco que contiene el juego Widget Factory
4.- Teclear run "Widgets" y pulsar la tecla "ENTER"
