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es:manual_del_amstrad_pcw_10 [2017/07/10 00:05] – creado jevicaces:manual_del_amstrad_pcw_10 [2017/07/12 09:33] (actual) – [Descargas] jevicac
Línea 26: Línea 26:
 <file> <file>
 +     What this guide can't do
 +     A note on presentation
 +   1 Setting up your PCW10
 +     Unpacking your PCW10
 +     Electrical safety
 +     Finding a home for your PCW10
 +     Caring for the PCW10
 +     Coneccting the units together
 +     Starting up
 +     Copying Discs
 +     Points to watch while copying
 +     After copying
 +     About computer discs
 +     Storing your data
 +     Looking after discs
 +     Stroing your data
 +     Looking after discs
 +     Writw-protecting discs
 +     Storing and retrieving material
 +     How discs work
 +     About Drive M
 +     The Keyboard
 +     The cursor keys and number pad
 +     Caps Lock
 +     Resetting the computer
 +     Summing up
 +   2 LocoScript Tutorial
 +     What is word processing?
 +     General principles of using LocoScript
 +     The Disc Management Screen
 +     Opening a new document
 +     A note about file-names
 +     The Editing Screen
 +     Introducing the Information lines
 +     Meet the cursor
 +     The page-bar
 +     Beginning to type
 +     Editing your text
 +     Tidying after deletions
 +     Quick tip
 +     Making a printed copy
 +     Putting paper in the printer
 +     Printer Control State
 +     Leaving Printer Control
 +     Printing and saving
 +     Editing a document
 +     A simple example
 +     Moving round the document
 +     Other ways of moving around a document
 +     About file-names and extensions
 +     More about the Information Lines
 +     Summing up
 +   3 More about Discs
 +     Back to the Disc Management Screen
 +     Bytes and kilobytes
 +     The group columns
 +     Limbo files
 +     Erasing files for security reasons
 +     Hidden files
 +     Moving the highlight bars
 +     Control keys
 +     The Function Keys
 +     Function Key f1 - Disc change
 +     Function Key f2 - Inspect
 +     Function Key f3 - Copy
 +     Function Key f4 - Move
 +     Function Key f5 - Rename
 +     Renaming a document
 +     Recovering a document from Limbp
 +     Renaming a group
 +     Function Key f6 - Erase
 +     Security deletion
 +     Function Key f7 - Modes
 +     Function Key f8 - Options
 +     Different kinds of disc
 +     Using the Start of Day Disc and the working discs
 +     Saving documents while working
 +     Printing from the Disc Management Screen
 +     Summing up
 +   4 The Emphasis and Style Menus
 +     Emphasis tutorial
 +     How do enhancements work?
 +     Quick tip
 +     Emphasis Menu Options
 +     The Style Menu
 +     Enhancements and the Information Lines
 +     LocoScript Codes
 +     Making the codes visible
 +     Underlining text already entered
 +     Removing enhancements
 +     Combining styles
 +     Some useful short cuts
 +     Quick tip
 +     Picking items from the Set and Clear Menus
 +     Quick tip
 +     The choice is yours
 +     Changing character pitch
 +     How to change the character pitch
 +     Character pitch and margin settings
 +     Printer codes
 +     Finding your way around long documents
 +     Searching for (UniT) codes
 +     Last but no least...
 +     Summing up
 +   5 Justification and alignment
 +     Using the Lines Menu
 +     Centring lines
 +     Cancelling centring
 +     Right justification
 +     Cancelling right justification
 +     Full justification
 +     Blanks and spaces
 +     Justification and proportional type
 +     Should you justify?
 +     Quick tip
 +     Summing up
 +   6 The Lines Menu
 +     Line-space and line-pitch
 +     Line-space
 +     Changing the line-spacing
 +     Quick tip
 +     Line pitch
 +     Changing the line pitch
 +     Quick tip
 +     Returning to the default values
 +     Fine control of word wrap
 +     Hard spaces
 +     Hard hyphens
 +     Soft hyphens
 +     Soft spaces
 +     Summing up
 +   7 More about line and page breaks
 +     Indented lines
 +     Indeting the first line of a paragraph
 +     Indeting a complete paragraph
 +     Numbered or lettered paragraphs
 +     Scripts
 +     Controlling page breaks manually
 +     The wrong way to force a new page
 +     Forced page breaks
 +     When to use the commands
 +     Shorthand key strokes
 +     Avoiding breaking text at page boundaries
 +     Some notes about page boundaries
 +     Summing up
 +   8 Working with blocks of text
 +     Scissors and paste
 +     Making deletions
 +     Points to watch
 +     Moving text
 +     About the buffers
 +     Repeated insertions
 +     Copying text
 +     Copying blocks into a different document
 +     More about merging files
 +     Blocks and codes
 +     Showing blocks
 +     LocoScript Phrases
 +     Using a Phrase
 +     What Phrases do you have?
 +     Adding your own Phrases
 +     Saving Phrases on disc
 +     The PHRASES.STD file
 +     Deleting a Phrase
 +     Saving Phrases
 +     Other Phrases files
 +     Summing up
 +   9 Finding and Exchanging Text
 +     How Find and Exchange work
 +     Beginning a Find
 +     Specifying a Find operation
 +     Repeating a Find
 +     Abandoning a Find
 +     Avoiding false hits
 +     A practical example
 +     Potential problems
 +     Making Exchanges
 +     Entering the strings
 +     The Exchange options
 +     Confirming cach exchange
 +     Automatic exchanges
 +     Some simple precautions
 +     If the worst should happen ...
 +     Summing up
 +  10 Tabs and margins
 +     About LocoScript Layouts
 +     Creating a new secondary layout
 +     Setting new margins
 +     Restrictions on setting margins
 +     Quick tip
 +     All about tabs
 +     LocoScript tabs
 +     Types of tab stop
 +     Simple tabs
 +     Rught tabs
 +     Cebtre tabs
 +     Decimal tabs
 +     Setting and clearing tab stops
 +     Quick tip
 +     Removing tab stops
 +     Leaving the screen
 +     Relaying the text
 +     Summing up
 +  11 More about layouts
 +     How layouts work
 +     Editing a layout
 +     Copying layouts
 +     Some points to watch
 +     Editing the base layout
 +     More about new layouts
 +     Setting the defaults in a new layout
 +     Changing the character pitch
 +     Changing the line pitch
 +     Changing the line spacing
 +     Selecting italics
 +     Selecting justification
 +     After setting the options
 +     Summing up
 +  12 Editing a document header
 +     Editing the pagination
 +     Altering the character pitch
 +     About proportional spacing
 +     Setting the line pitch
 +     Line spacing
 +     Selecting italic printing
 +     Setting justification
 +     Setting the base layout margins
 +     Setting the left margin
 +     Setting the right margin
 +     Setting and removing tab stops
 +     Ordinary tabs
 +     Right tabs
 +     Centre tabs
 +     Decimal tabs
 +     Removing a tab stop
 +     Leaving the Editing Base Layout Screen
 +     The Characters Menu
 +     Setting the zero character
 +     Setting the decimal marker
 +     Removing the Characters Menu
 +     Setting the tab count
 +     Setting page breaks
 +     Widows and orphans
 +     Breaking paragraphs
 +     Where are you on the page?
 +     The wrong way to force a page break
 +     Setting the page size
 +     Setting the pagination
 +     Setting page numbers
 +     Allocating headers and footers
 +     Leaving the Header Editing Screen
 +     Headers and footers
 +     Inserting page numbers
 +     A simple example
 +     Remeber the symbols
 +     Finishing off
 +     Summing up
 +  13 TEMPLATE.STD files
 +     About TEMPLATE.STD files
 +     Creating a TEMPLATE.STD file
 +     Setting up a layout for the TEMPLATE.STD
 +     Putting in the text
 +     Adding simple instructions
 +     Finishing off
 +     Summing up
 +  14 Using different character sets
 +     Using accents
 +     Using different character sets
 +     Using "Alt" characters
 +     The "Extra" characters
 +     When you can and can't use the extended character set
 +     Printing and transferring the extended character set
 +     Transferring data between programs
 +     Converting a LocoScript file to ASCII format
 +     Types of ASCII file
 +     Importing ASCII files into LocoScript
 +     Summing up
 +  15 Managing the Printer
 +     Direct Printer
 +     Printing part of a document
 +     Controlling the printer
 +     Choosing the printer options
 +     High and draft quality
 +     Single sheets and continuous stationery
 +     Changing the dimensions of the paper
 +     Waiting for Paper
 +     Locating the print head
 +     Clearing a paper jam
 +     Resetting the printer
 +     On line and Off line
 +     Summing up
 +  16 Introducing CP/M
 +     About the CP/M operating system
 +     About CP/M
 +     Loading CP/M
 +     CP/M Utilities
 +     Computer languages
 +     Applications programs
 +     The CP/M keyboard
 +     The CP/M Directory
 +     Defaults drives
 +     Wild cards
 +     Looking at the contents of a document
 +     Using the printer in CP/M
 +     Printing out a file
 +     Summing up CP/M
 +  17 Software Licence Agreement
 +     Index
 </file> </file>
Línea 36: Línea 381:
 ===== Descargas ===== ===== Descargas =====
-  * {{manuales:descargas:Manual Amstrad PcW 101.pdf|Manual Amstrad PcW 10}} +  * {{manuales:descargas:Manual Amstrad PcW 10.pdf|Manual Amstrad PcW 10}} 
es/manual_del_amstrad_pcw_10.1499637915.txt.gz · Última modificación: 2017/07/10 00:05 por jevicac