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es:crazy_plumbing [2017/01/11 12:33] – creado jevicac
Línea 1: Línea 1:
 +====== CRAZY PLUMBING ======
 +===== Ficha =====
 +^ Autor | Peregrine Haphton       |
 +^ Computadora | Amstrad PCW 8256 / 8512 / 9512 |
 +^ Año | ????                              |
 +^ Género | Arcade                                |
 +^ Controles | Teclado                           |
 +^ Lenguajes | Inglés                           |
 +^ Estado | [[preservado|Preservado]] |
 +===== Capturas =====
 +{{:otros:Plumber_screenshot01.png?220}} {{:otros:Plumber_screenshot02.png?220}} {{:otros:Plumber_screenshot03.png?220}} {{:otros:Plumber_screenshot04.png?220}}
 +===== Descripción =====
 +Crazy Plumbing es un juego clásico para uno o dos jugadores. El objetivo del juego es llegar a la esquina derecha del primer campo, aunque también podemos ganar empujando a nuestro oponente fuera de la cuadrícula.
 +En el juego existen tres tipo de tuberías para seleccionar (1 a 3) cualquier selección colocará en el extremo el tubo que hayamos seleccionado.
 +En la primera fase no podremos seleccionar el tipo 1.
 +===== Listado =====
 +  * **__Listado - PLUMBER.BAS__**
 +10 REM -------- CRAZY PLUMBING ----------
 +20 REM       by Peregrine Haphton 
 +30 REM (c) Computing with the Amstrad PCW
 +40 REM ----------------------------------
 +50 DIM grid(11,11),n(36),p$(2):DEFINT x,y:GOSUB 530
 +60 GOSUB 380:p$(0)="Fred":p$(1)="Harry"
 +70 FOR f=1 TO 40:PRINT:NEXT:PRINT CHR$(27)"E"CHR$(27)"H":CALL screen
 +80 FOR f=1 TO 2:PRINT CHR$(27);"Y";CHR$(32);CHR$(35+f*20)"Player";f;" is ";p$(f-1):NEXT
 +90 PRINT:PRINT "To change the name of the player input and press RETURN."
 +100 FOR f=1 TO 2:PRINT"Player ";f:INPUT">",n$
 +110 IF LEN(n$)>25 THEN n$=LEFT$(n$,25)
 +120 IF n$<>"" THEN p$(f-1)=n$
 +130 PRINT:NEXT:PRINT CHR$(27)"E":POKE pen,255:POKE paper,0:FOR f=0 TO 2
 +140 a$=STR$(f+1)+"="+CHR$(f*4)+CHR$(f*4+1):x=f*10:y=0:CALL print1(x,y,a$)
 +150 a$=CHR$(f*4+2)+CHR$(f*4+3):x=f*10+6:y=1:CALL print1(x,y,a$):NEXT
 +160 POKE pen,85:FOR f=1 TO 10:FOR g=1 TO 10:grid(f,g)=0:IF f=10 AND g=f THEN 190
 +170 x=10+f*4:y=g*2+5:a$=CHR$(12)+CHR$(12):CALL print1(x,y,a$)
 +180 x=10+f*4:y=g*2+6:a$=CHR$(12)+CHR$(12):CALL print1(x,y,a$)
 +190 NEXT:NEXT:grid(1,1)=3:p=3:x=14:y=7
 +200 GOSUB 630:go=1:pl=0:win=0:xx=1:yy=1
 +210 d=4:ongrid=-1:GOSUB 650:WHILE ongrid
 +220 PRINT CHR$(27);"Y";CHR$(60);CHR$(32);p$(pl);", your turn, what type do you choose?"
 +230 x=62:y=16:POKE double,0:a$="Turn: "+STR$(go):CALL print1(x,y,a$)
 +240 k$="":WHILE k$="":k$=INKEY$:WEND:IF k$="q" THEN win=3:ongrid=0:GOTO 310
 +250 IF k$<"1" OR k$>"3" THEN 240
 +260 IF go=1 AND k$="1" THEN 240
 +270 grid(xx,yy)=VAL(k$):x=10+xx*4:y=5+yy*2:p=grid(xx,yy):GOSUB 630
 +280 GOSUB 650:IF ongrid=0 THEN 310
 +290 pl=pl+1:pl=2*(pl/2-pl\2):go=go+1
 +300 PRINT CHR$(27)"Y"CHR$(60)CHR$(32)CHR$(27)"l"
 +310 WEND:ON win GOSUB 710,730,740
 +320 POKE double,0:b$=p$(pl)+" has won.":l=(45-LEN(b$))/2
 +330 a$=STRING$(l," ")+b$+STRING$(l," "):x=0:y=28:CALL print1(x,y,a$)
 +340 a$="Press SPACEBAR to start game or Q to quit.":x=0:y=30:CALL print1(x,y,a$)
 +350 k$="":WHILE k$="":k$=INKEY$:WEND
 +360 IF k$="q" THEN PRINT CHR$(27)"e"CHR$(27)"1":CLEAR:END
 +370 IF k$=" " THEN 70 ELSE GOTO 350
 +380 PRINT CHR$(27)"f"CHR$(27)"0"
 +390 x=0:y=0:POKE paper,85:POKE double,1:a$=STRING$(16," ")+"Crazy Plumbing"+STRING$(15," "):CALL print1(x,y,a$)
 +400 x=0:y=3:POKE paper,0:POKE double,0:a$=STRING$(15," ")+"for two players"+STRING$(13," "):CALL print1(x,y,a$)
 +410 x=26:y=5:POKE paper,0:POKE double,0:a$="@ Peregrine Haphton"
 +420 CALL print1(x,y,a$):PRINT CHR$(27)"Y"CHR$(38)CHR$(32)
 +430 PRINT " The object of the game is to get to the right corner of the field first: you can also win by pushing your oponent from the grid."
 +440 PRINT " In order to stop press Q":PRINT
 +450 PRINT " There are three types of tube:"
 +460 FOR f=0 TO 2:a$=CHR$(f*4)+CHR$(f*4+1):x=10:y=12+f*3:CALL print1(x,y,a$)
 +470 a$=CHR$(f*4+2)+CHR$(f*4+3)+"  Type"+STR$(f+1):x=10:y=13+f*3
 +480 CALL print1(x,y,a$):NEXT:PRINT CHR$(27)"Y"CHR$(52)CHR$(32)
 +490 PRINT " To select a type of tube simply press the number of that tube: the tube will be placed on the end."
 +500 PRINT:PRINT " You cannot use type 1 in the first turn!"
 +510 x=0:y=27:POKE paper,85:a$=STRING$(1," ")+"Press SPACE to start."+STRING$(9," "):CALL print1(x,y,a$)
 +530 GOSUB 760:PRINT CHR$(27)"E"CHR$(27)"H":RESTORE 550
 +540 FOR h=1 TO 36:READ n(h):NEXT
 +550 DATA -1,0,2,0,1,1,1,0,4,0,-1,3
 +560 DATA 1,0,4,0,-1,3,-1,0,2,0,1,1
 +570 DATA 0,1,1,-1,0,2,0,-1,3,1,0,4
 +580 RESTORE 600:FOR f=0 TO 12:FOR g=0 TO 7:READ n:POKE (udgs+f*8+g),n
 +600 DATA 3,1,1,1,3,7,142,252,192,128,128,128,0,0,1,15,240,128,0,0,1,1,1,3,63,113,224,192,128,128,128,192,3,1,1,1,0,0,128,240,192,128,128,128,192,224,113,63,252,142,7,3,1,1,1,3,15,1,0,0,128,128,128,192
 +610 DATA 3,1,1,1,1,1,128,255,192,128,128,128,128,128,1,255,255,128,1,1,1,1,1,3,255,1,128,128,128,128,128,192
 +620 DATA 24,24,24,255,255,24,24,24
 +630 POKE pen,255:POKE paper,0:a$=CHR$(p*4-4)+CHR$(p*4-3):CALL print1(x,y,a$)
 +640 y=y+1:a$=CHR$(p*4-2)+CHR$(p*4-1):CALL print1(x,y,a$):RETURN
 +650 win=0:x1=xx:y1=yy:d1=d:fl=-1
 +660 WHILE fl:o=(grid(x1,y1)-1)*12+(d1-1)*3+1:x1=x1+n(o):y1=y1+n(o+1):d1=n(o+2)
 +670 IF grid(x1,y1)=0 THEN fl=0
 +680 WEND:IF x1=10 AND y1=10 THEN ongrid=0:win=2
 +690 IF x1<1 OR x1>10 OR y1<1 OR y1>10 THEN ongrid=0:win=1:fl=0
 +700 xx=x1:yy=y1:d=d1:RETURN
 +710 a$=p$(pl)+" has been pushed of the grid.":x=0:y=0:POKE double,1
 +720 CALL print1(x,y,a$):pl=pl+1:pl=2*(pl/2-pl\2):RETURN
 +730 a$=p$(pl)+" has reached the lower right corner.":x=0:y=0:POKE double,1:CALL print1(x,y,a$):RETURN
 +740 a$=p$(pl)+" has quit.":x=0:y=0:POKE double,1:CALL print1(x,y,a$)
 +750 pl=pl+1:pl=2*(pl/2-pl\2):RETURN
 +770 RESTORE 850:address=&HE000
 +780 FOR i=1 TO 31:sum=0:READ code$,check$:FOR j=1 TO 21 STEP 2
 +790 byte=VAL("&H"+MID$(code$,j,2)):POKE address,byte:sum=sum+byte
 +800 address=address+1:NEXT
 +810 IF sum<>VAL("&H"+check$) THEN PRINT"Error in data line";i*10+1830:STOP
 +820 NEXT:screen=&HE000:print1=&HE003:udgs=&HD100
 +830 pen=&HD001:paper=&HD000:double=&HD006
 +840 POKE pen,255:POKE paper,0:POKE double,0:CALL screen:RETURN
 +850 DATA C306E0C35BE0CD29E01198,626
 +860 DATA 2C2100B60168013E20F5D5,395
 +870 DATA 3E0873237223133D20F8D1,3AA
 +890 DATA FCE900C9661A6F2202D00A,49B
 +900 DATA 3210D0030A6F030A67ED4B,33A
 +910 DATA 10D006001113D0EDB02A02,3A3
 +920 DATA D0CDFCE02204D02113D022,595
 +930 DATA 11D0C9CD30E0CD29E0F32A,67A
 +940 DATA 11D07E232211D0CDEAE011,52D
 +950 DATA 4FE1010800EDB0DD2A04D0,4B1
 +960 DATA 0E08FD214FE12A00D07D06,3E1
 +970 DATA 08FDCB0006380D07DDCB08,3D2
 +980 DATA 16DDCB001607C3A4E0CB04,4F1
 +990 DATA DDCB0816DDCB0016CB04DD,530
 +1000 DATA CB0816DDCB001610D7FD23,4AE
 +1010 DATA 3A06D0A7CAD1E0DD7E08DD,672
 +1020 DATA 7709DD7E00DD7701DD2379,4A9
 +1030 DATA FE05C2D1E001C802DD094F,576
 +1040 DATA DD230DC282E02A04D00110,440
 +1050 DATA 00092204D02110D035C262,359
 +1060 DATA E0FBC91100B8FE20300311,4CF
 +1070 DATA 00D16F260029292919C95C,31F
 +1080 DATA 260054CB25010FE1094E23,2D5
 +1090 DATA 46EB29292909C93059005C,363
 +1100 DATA D05EA06170644067106AE0,504
 +1110 DATA 6CB06F807250752078F07A,544
 +1120 DATA C07D9080608330860089D0,53F
 +1130 DATA 8BA08E709140941097E099,5AE
 +1140 DATA B09C809F50A220A5F0A7C0,679
 +1150 DATA AA90AD60B0000000000000,2F7
 +===== Controles =====
 +          1 = COLOCAR TUBERÍA TIPO 1
 +          2 = COLOCAR TUBERÍA TIPO 2
 +          3 = COLOCAR TUBERÍA TIPO 3
 +===== Carga del programa =====
 +  1.- Introducir el disco CP/M por la cara 2
 +  2.- Escribir BASIC y esperar a que cargue
 +  3.- Retirar el disco CP/M e introducir el disco que contiene el juego Crazy Plumbing
 +  4.- Teclear run "Plumber" y pulsar la tecla "ENTER"
 +===== Extras =====
 +===== Descarga =====
 +  * {{:otros:Plumber (Basic).zip|Crazy Plumbing }}(juego en formato dsk, comprimido con zip)
 +===== Enlaces =====
 +  * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwmT1d7MJt4|Video del juego Crazy Plumbing]]
es/crazy_plumbing.txt · Última modificación: 2022/06/29 01:19 por jevicac