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La Abadía del Crimen v2.0


New version with graphic improvements, digitized sound, DK'Tronics Joystick interface support, fixed bugs including those of the original version

Company Opera Soft
Conversión Habi Soft
Year 2016
Gender Arcadian
Controls Keyboard
Languages Spanish
State Preserved



Let us pray, brothers, because after almost 30 years, if Fray Habi has brought us this great game for our PCW, which was probably the greatest classic of Spanish soft. It was strange that Opera Soft did not carry this wonderful game from 1987, when in fact it carried almost all of them for the PCW, since they had a standardized system for making games. Fray Habi has ported this game based on the CPC version, and does not rule out future updates such as game recording, since it is a somewhat complicated game and many hours in front of the screen.

The Spanish house OPERA SOFT created a game based on the extraordinary novel by Umberto Eco, “The name of the rose” and if the book is a jewel of literature, its computer version does not detract from it in the least. If the structure of the work has been respected, here the names of those involved in this story have been changed, for example, William of Baskerville, the protagonist, has become William of Occam. This character affirmed that Pope John Paul XXII was a heretic, which earned him life between prisons and escapes until, repentant, he decided to meet with an inquisitor secretary of the Pope and reconcile with Christianity and with his order, thus putting peace at the end of his days. The inquisitor was Bernardo Gui, and the interview was to take place in the abbey, where Fray Guillermo arrived a week before Bernardo to devote himself to meditation.

The events take place in the fourteenth century in the Abbey of the Monastery of the city of Melk where monks of the Benedictine order lived, famous for their erudition and for having been the architects of many Latin translations of very old manuscripts rich in teachings. In this enclosure, of prayer and work, not very religious things have begun to happen, some brothers of the rule have been assassinated. The abbot, concerned that these events transcend and could be accused of heresy, calls the Franciscan father Guillermo Occam, a wise and very intelligent man, to find the perpetrator of the crimes, he is accompanied by a novice and clerk who is the one who tells us immerse yourself in history.

The game begins with the reading of some of Adso's manuscripts (we give him the name of the novel because none is given here), in which he tells us, briefly, the preliminaries. At the beginning we are at the gates of the abbey, the prior awaits us and asks us to follow him, after the words of welcome, the prior begins to tell us about the macabre problem that hung over the monastery. One of the monks had been murdered and only one member of the order could be to blame. At the same time, he warns us that the Benedictine rule is very strict and, if we want to continue within this sacred precinct, we must abide by all its precepts. William saw his days of meditation and peace vanish when the father prior asked him to take charge of the matter. But since deep down he was a man who liked adventures, he immediately began the investigation with the help of the novice Adso.

William was ready to turn the abbey upside down when the prior stopped him. Warned that Occam was a potential heretic, the monks were unwilling to see him turn the abbey into a center of perversion. Therefore, the patience of the friars (the gift that appears on the game screen) has a limit, and it is not a matter of joking around.

So, with great care, Guillermo and his subordinate retired to his cell to meditate on all this mess, and to rest from the long journey on foot.

The game, like the book, is divided into seven days, during which time we'll feel like just another monk, but with a Sherlock Holmes mentality, since we'll have to unravel the mystery before the week is out. The abbey is terribly large and there are areas where we will not be able to enter simply from the face, for example the library, there is a key that opens its doors and, to get hold of it, we must not be very honest, everything is for the good of church. Each day of stay is divided into sections of time, hour “prime” at dawn, “terce” in the morning, “sixth” at noon when we have to go to the refertory to feed the body, “nona” in the afternoon and “ vespers” at nightfall. From dawn to dusk we can roam the abbey looking for evidence and taking data, but the moment we are told to go to mass, to eat, to go to sleep or whatever, wherever we are, we must try to get to the place where they claim us because they can kick us out. It is possible that, looking for a place, we get lost, so it is advisable to draw a map as we go along. Fray Guillermo, in the book, is in danger but emerges victorious; in the game, a wrong step can cost us our lives. There are objects scattered around the abbey precincts, they all have their reason for being, but think about the plot of the novel, before taking some of them, it can be extremely dangerous to possess them before their time. Guillermo is allowed to take with him six and his acolyte two, both of which can be handled, but Adso only when his master is on screen with him.

These Benedictines have very bad tempers, when we go where they call us we have to occupy the place assigned to us, the bad thing is that they do not tell us which one it is and we have to feel around, if we do not succeed they call our attention, and after fifteen disobedience Mild ones put us on the street. There is also the sneak monk; if we take something without permission he asks us to release it, by ignoring him we will see him go through half an abbey to tell the abbot about it and he will tell us off. Other times they will show us images that, we will believe, are irrelevant, look closely at the monk who comes out, his route and what he does, they are keys to the murders. Keep in mind that, although during the day you have to abide by the rule, the night is ours to investigate and try to reach the prohibited places, but be careful not to get caught outside the cell, the abbot is always on the lookout and is not easy to outsmart him. An especially difficult part, in which we will not be able to make a map, is the key library for the outcome of the story. This room is a blind labyrinth, since it is dark and, although we enter with a torch, only the protagonist is illuminated, with which we have it “clear”, we must bear in mind that for now we cannot record situations that we are well on the way to and return to them whenever we want, so we will go crazy if we mess up. The game is a challenge of imagination and intelligence.

Fortunately, the game offers us the advantage of allowing us to observe the movements of the monks if we remain still, which can give us an idea of ​​​​their habitual activities in the monastery. Some will even talk to us about the strange happenings, or the possible presence of the antichrist in the abbey. In short, our adventures will be subject to respecting the rules of the abbey and we will have to take into account even the most insignificant clues. Throughout the game we will be able to collect certain objects, either directly or through Adso, which will help us or harm us depending on when and where we obtain them.

The novice Adso, on the other hand, has to earn his salary by more than telling us about masses and meals. We will have to use him to guide us through the library in the dark, and we will also be able to guide his steps when he is in the same room as Fray Guillermo. Over time we will get to know the monastery and our mission will begin to seem attainable.

The graphics are exceptional, both the environment and the protagonists are made with exquisite care, giving us the impression of watching a movie in which we are the stage director. They have a very elegant monochrome coloring, excellent mobility, many screens and infinite details. In the lower part they provide us with the data, the day on which the action takes place, the time, the objects that we carry, the “gift” line, for legal offenses (it decreases as we commit them), and an area where they occur. notices, information and ask us questions. The sound is very good, it is made up of medieval music, bell-ringing calls, footsteps, in short, just like in authentic abbeys.

A great detective game that all those who have read the book will not hesitate to play and put all their skills and that, whoever plays it and does not know the work of Umberto Eco, will encourage them to go to the bookstore plus next to get hold of it.






En el segundo día, Adso (que así se llama el ayudante del protagonista), deberá recoger la llave que hay en la entrada de la biblioteca. Mientras Guillermo entretiene al bibliotecario, el ayudante se hace con ella. Con esta llave se entrará por la noche al edificio, por la puerta que hay detrás de la iglesia.

La segunda noche entraremos en el edificio y nos haremos con el pergamino, y las siguientes noches, investigaremos la biblioteca para irla conociendo. En una de las noches aparecerá una llave sobre el altar que nos servirá para entrar en el cuarto del abad y coger el pergamino, que nos lo quitó Bernardo Gui en la comida. Al cuarto del abad se entrará cuando éste no esté dentro.

El sexto día cogeremos la otra llave que hay en la entrada de la biblioteca. Con ella entraremos en el cuarto de Severino, el médico, y cogeremos los guantes. Dentro del laberinto encontraremos las gafas, y nos dirigiremos a la sala del espejo, y pegados a él, pulsaremos a la vez la Q y la R y entraremos dentro, donde encontraremos al asesino.

Lógicamente, para entrar en el laberinto, que es en realidad la biblioteca, habrá que coger antes la lámpara que hay en la cocina, y tantas veces como vayamos, antes de entrar en él.



NONA: Llegas a la abadía y el abad te dice que le sigas mientras te va contando los terribles sucesos que han ocurrido en la Abadía. Síguele muy de cerca.

VÍSPERAS: Vas a la iglesia y te colocas delante de Adzo para orar, a la altura del monje de la derecha. Ves llegar a uno de los monjes por detrás del altar.


NOCHE: Mientras duermes, alguien te roba las gafas. Las recuperarás unos días después.

PRIMA: El abad anuncia una nueva muerte.

TERCIA: Investiga por toda la abadía y llega al “scriptorium”. El bibliotecario custodia la entrada a la biblioteca, y su ayudante muestra la mesa de la segunda víctima, sin dejarte coger nada.

SEXTA: Has de ir al comedor, como harás sucesivamente durante tu estancia en la Abadía.

NONA: Vuelves a la biblioteca y allí, mientras despistas al bibliotecario, haz que Adzo coja la llave. Después descubres el pasadizo secreto que comunica la capilla con la cocina.


NOCHE: Entras deprisa y con precaución en el edificio de la capilla para investigar lo que no te dejaba ver el ayudante del bibliotecario. Pero cuando llegas al scriptorium ves que un encapuchado ha cogido el libro, aunque no el manuscrito. Aun así, sin gafas no puedes leer.

PRIMA: El abad os comunica que el ayudante del bibliotecario ha desaparecido.

TERCIA: El abad os presenta a un anciano que asegura que el Anticristo ha llegado a la Abadía.

NONA: Vas a investigar la abadía y, en la cocina, Adzo ha de coger la lámpara que después será necesaria en el laberinto.


NOCHE: Entras en el laberinto, no para descubrir algo, sino para aprender a orientarte.

PRIMA: El abad, tras la aparición del cadáver, delega la investigación en Bernardo Güi. Sin embargo, tú decides seguir investigando por tu cuenta.

TERCIA: El padre herbolario desvela extraordinarios descubrimientos en la autopsia del tercer cadáver.

NONA: Bernardo Güi te qutia el manuscrito y se lo entrega al abad para que lo guarde en su celda.


NOCHE: Coges la llave que el abad, despistado, se deja en el altar.

PRIMA: Antes del oficio, el padre herbolario os revela que ha descubierto un libro en su celda, que seguramente fue dejado allí por el encapuchado la primera noche.

TERCIA: Mientras el abad te entretiene, el bibliotecario, que había escuchado la revelación del padre herbolario, lo sigue hasta su celda y lo asesina. Coge el libro y lo encierra con su propia llave.

NONA: El abad, al ver que el herbolario no va a la comida, te pide que le acompañes a buscarlo, descubriendo que ha sido asesinado y encerrado en su propia celda. El bibliotecario aprovecha para devolver el libro a la habitación secreta de la biblioteca.

VÍSPERAS: El bibliotecario, desoyendo las advertencias sobre el libro, lo hojea. Regresa a la iglesia moribundo, perdiendo en el camino las lentes y la llave robadas. Al llegar a los oficios, dice unas extrañas palabras y muere.


NOCHE: Llegas hasta el laberinto para recuperar las lentes en el torreón noroeste y la llave de la celda del padre herbolario, que está sobre el escritorio del bibliotecario.

TERCIA: Coges los guantes en la celda del herbolario.

NONA: Entras en la celda del abad y recuperas el manuscrito que da la clave de cómo atravesar el espejo para entrar en la habitación secreta.


NOCHE: Llegas a la habitación secreta, en la que está el anciano ciego, que te hace unas revelaciones que esclarecen el enigma. Pero las cosas no terminan bien.



en/nuevos/abadia_del_crimen_v2.0_la.1655538392.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/06/18 10:46 by jevicac