====== ESCARABAJO ====== {{:otros:Escarabajo_p1.jpg?690|}} ===== Info ===== ^ Author | ???????????? | ^ Compatibility | Amstrad PCW 8256 / 8512 / 9512 | ^ Year | ???? | ^ Gender | Arcade | ^ Controls | Keyboard | ^ Language | Spanish | ^ Status | [[preserved|Preserved]] | ===== Screenshots ===== {{:otros:Escarabajo_screenshot01.png?220}} {{:otros:Escarabajo_screenshot02.png?220}} {{:otros:Escarabajo_screenshot03.png?220}} {{:otros:Escarabajo_screenshot04.png?220}} ===== Description ===== Beetle is a fun game that doesn't stand out for its graphic level, but it can be improved with some sound. Our mission in the game is about a nice character, a beetle that has to go through a maze eating fruit and running away from a boot that makes the game impossible for us. We will have to be very careful with the walls since they are electrified and we will lose a life and be careful with what we take as there are explosive mines. We start the game with three lives and a total of 10 phases. Once we flee through the labyrinth of the chasing boot and eat the pieces of fruit that are in it, a door will open for us so that we can pass the phase. ===== Listing ===== * **__List - ESCARAB.BAS__** 1 PRINT CHR$(27)+"f" 10 cl$=CHR$(27)+"E"+CHR$(27)+"H" 20 DEF FN at$(x,y,t$)=CHR$(27)+"Y"+CHR$(32+y)+CHR$(32+x)+t$ 30 PRINT cl$ 90 GOSUB 1970 100 PRINT cl$:a=11:d=9:m=14:li=3:u=1:q=1:DIM e(120) 110 GOSUB 960:GOSUB 920:GOSUB 760:GOSUB 1210 120 m1$=q3$ 130 m2$=q4$ 140 RESTORE 145 u=1:q=1 150 FOR n=1 TO 15 155 a$=INKEY$ 160 IF a$="q" OR a$="Q" THEN GOSUB 290 170 IF a$="a" OR a$="A" THEN GOSUB 340 180 IF a$="o" OR a$="O" THEN GOSUB 390 190 IF a$="p" OR a$="P" THEN GOSUB 440 200 PRINT FN at$(u,q,""); 201 PRINT " ":PRINT FN at$(u,q+1,""); 202 PRINT " ":IF u=a AND d=q THEN GOSUB 610 210 READ u,q 230 PRINT FN at$(u,q,""); 231 PRINT q15$:PRINT FN at$(u,q+1,""); 232 PRINT q16$ 240 IF u=a AND d=q THEN GOSUB 610 250 NEXT n 260 nki=nki+1:IF nki/2=nki/2 THEN RESTORE 270 GOTO 150 280 ' ************ ARRIBA ************* 290 PRINT FN at$(a,d," "):PRINT FN at$(a,d+1," ") 300 m=m-12:d=d-2 310 GOSUB 690 320 RETURN 330 ' ************ ABAJO ************* 340 PRINT FN at$(a,d," "):PRINT FN at$(a,d+1," ") 350 m=m+12:d=d+2 360 GOSUB 690 370 RETURN 380 ' ************ IZQUIERDA ********** 390 PRINT FN at$(a,d," "):PRINT FN at$(a,d+1," ") 400 m=m-1:a=a-2 410 GOSUB 690 420 RETURN 430 ' ************ DERECHA ********** 440 PRINT FN at$(a,d," "):PRINT FN at$(a,d+1," ") 450 m=m+1:a=a+2 460 GOSUB 690 470 RETURN 600 ' ********* PIERDE VIDA *********** 610 li=li-1:po=po+3 615 PRINT CHR$(7) 630 PRINT FN at$(3,8+po,""); 631 PRINT q7$:PRINT FN at$(3,9+po,""); 632 PRINT q8$ 640 FOR i=1 TO 2000:NEXT i 650 IF li=0 THEN GOSUB 840 660 PRINT FN at$(u,q," "):PRINT FN at$(u,q+1," ") 670 a=11:d=9:m=14:u=1:q=1:PRINT FN at$(a,d,""); 671 PRINT q3$:PRINT FN at$(a,d+1,""); 672 PRINT q4$:GOTO 120 680 ' ****** COMPRUEBA CHOQUE ********* 690 IF man>=3 AND m=96 THEN IF man>3 THEN uno=uno+1:GOSUB 820 ELSE GOSUB 820 700 IF e(m)=0 THEN PRINT CHR$(7):GOSUB 610 710 IF e(m)=2 THEN PRINT CHR$(7):ta=ta+100:man=man+1:e(m)=1:IF man=3 THEN PRINT FN at$(31,21," "):PRINT FN at$(31,22," "):GOSUB 7000 730 PRINT FN at$(a,d,""); 731 PRINT m1$:PRINT FN at$(a,d+1,""); 732 PRINT m2$ 740 RETURN 750 ' ****** MUESTRA VIDAS ************ 760 PRINT FN at$(2,8,"VIDAS"):l=8 770 FOR n=1 TO 3 780 l=l+3:PRINT FN at$(3,l,q3$):PRINT FN at$(3,l+1,q4$) 790 NEXT 800 RETURN 810 ' ****** cambio de pantalla ******* 819 IF ida=11 THEN GOTO 2180 820 ON ida GOTO 1260,1310,1360,1420,1470,1520,1570,1630,1750,2180 840 ' ********* FINAL ***************** 845 PRINT cl$ 860 GOSUB 960:PRINT FN at$(19,20,q13$):PRINT FN at$(19,21,q14$):PRINT FN at$(1,2," Ohhhhhh!!!!!!!! LO SIENTO!!!!!!!") 870 FOR x=1 TO 20:PRINT FN at$(19,x,q17$):PRINT FN at$(19,x+1,q16$):FOR r=1 TO 10:NEXT r:NEXT x 880 FOR n=1 TO 1000:NEXT 890 PRINT FN at$(6,23,"PULSA S PARA JUGAR OTRA VEZ O N PARA ACABAR") 900 b$=INKEY$:IF b$="n" OR b$="N" THEN GOTO 10000 901 b$=INKEY$:IF b$="s" OR b$="S" THEN RUN ELSE GOTO 900 910 ' ******** DIBUJA PANTALLA ******* 920 FOR n=9 TO 32:PRINT FN at$(n,7,CHR$(143)):PRINT FN at$(n,8,CHR$(143)):PRINT FN at$(n,23,CHR$(143)):PRINT FN at$(n,24,CHR$(143)):NEXT 930 FOR n=9 TO 22:PRINT FN at$(9,n,q18$):PRINT FN at$(31,n,q18$):NEXT 940 RETURN 950 ' ******** VARIABLES ************** 960 q1$=CHR$(164)+CHR$(164):q2$=CHR$(164)+CHR$(164):q3$=CHR$(172)+CHR$(188):q4$=CHR$(172)+CHR$(188):q5$=CHR$(210)+CHR$(212):q6$=CHR$(211)+CHR$(213):q7$=CHR$(166)+CHR$(166):q8$=CHR$(166)+CHR$(166):q9$=CHR$(93)+CHR$(63):q10$=CHR$(93)+CHR$(63) 970 q11$=CHR$(143)+CHR$(143):q12$=CHR$(143)+CHR$(143):q13$=CHR$(172)+CHR$(188):q14$=CHR$(172)+CHR$(188):q15$=" "+CHR$(249):q16$=CHR$(188)+CHR$(188):q17$=" "+CHR$(249):q18$=CHR$(143)+CHR$(143) 980 RETURN 990 ' ******* SUBRUTINA PANTALLA ****** 1000 GOSUB 920:FOR i=1 TO 110:e(i)=1:NEXT 1010 FOR i=1 TO 108 STEP 12:e(i)=0:e(i-1)=0:NEXT 1020 FOR i=1 TO 12:e(i)=0:e(1+96)=0:NEXT 1030 PRINT FN at$(31,21,q18$):PRINT FN at$(31,22,q18$) 1040 FOR j=1 TO 14:PRINT FN at$(11,8+j,SPACE$(20)):NEXT j 1050 RESTORE:FOR n=1 TO da1:READ o,p:NEXT 1060 FOR e=1 TO du:READ h,p 1070 PRINT FN at$(h,p,""); 1071 PRINT q11$:PRINT FN at$(h,p+1,""); 1072 PRINT q12$ 1080 NEXT e 1100 FOR n=1 TO 3 1110 READ j,k:PRINT FN at$(j,k,""); 1111 PRINT q9$:PRINT FN at$(j,k+1,""); 1112 PRINT q10$ 1120 NEXT 1130 PRINT FN at$(11,3,"FASE NUMERO:"); 1131 PRINT pan 1140 PRINT FN at$(7,5,"MISION: SALIR CON LLAVES"); 1141 PRINT q$ 1150 PRINT FN at$(a,d,q3$):PRINT FN at$(a,d+1,q4$) 1160 PRINT FN at$(34,7,"TANTEO") 1170 man=0:q=1:u=1 1180 IF ro=4 THEN READ i,s:PRINT FN at$(i,s,q1$):PRINT FN at$(i,s+1,q2$) 1190 RETURN 1200 ' ****** PRIMERA PANTALLA ******** 1210 pan=1:ida=1:da1=30:du=15 1220 GOSUB 1000 1230 e(18)=0:e(27)=0:e(33)=0:e(40)=0:e(41)=0:e(45)=0:e(52)=0:e(53)=0:e(59)=0:e(64)=0:e(67)=0:e(70)=0:e(88)=0:e(91)=0:e(79)=0:e(23)=2:e(43)=2:e(86)=2 1240 RETURN 1250 ' ******** SEGUNDA PANTALLA ********** 1260 a=11:d=9:m=14:man=8:ida=2:pan=2:da1=47:du=17 1270 GOSUB 1000 1280 e(15)=0:e(28)=0:e(27)=0:e(35)=0:e(40)=0:e(41)=0:e(45)=0:e(52)=0:e(53)=0:e(68)=0:e(71)=0:e(78)=0:e(86)=0:e(87)=0:e(94)=0:e(17)=0:e(23)=2:e(28)=2:e(94)=2 1290 GOTO 120 1300 ' ******* TERCERA PANTALLA ********* 1310 pan=3:ida=3:da1=68:du=21:a=11:d=9:m=14:man=0 1320 GOSUB 1000 1330 e(15)=0:e(18)=0:e(23)=0:e(27)=0:e(28)=0:e(33)=0:e(39)=0:e(41)=0:e(45)=0:e(53)=0:e(70)=0:e(71)=0:e(74)=0:e(75)=0:e(78)=0:e(81)=0:e(86)=0:e(87)=0:e(89)=0:e(90)=0:e(91)=0:e(40)=2:e(17)=2:e(83)=2 1340 GOTO 120 1350 ' ******* CUARTA PANTALLA ********** 1360 pan=4:ida=4:da1=91:du=26:a=11:d=9:m=14:man=0:ro=4:x1=15:y1=21:x2=88 1370 GOSUB 1000 1380 e(18)=0:e(20)=0:e(22)=0:e(23)=0:e(27)=0:e(28)=0:e(35)=0:e(45)=0:e(50)=0:e(52)=0:e(57)=0:e(59)=0:e(62)=0:e(67)=0:e(70)=0:e(71)=0:e(74)=0:e(75)=0 1390 e(78)=0:e(81)=0:e(86)=0:e(87)=2:e(90)=0:e(91)=0:e(88)=0:e(19)=0:e(46)=2:e(83)=2:e(89)=2 1400 GOTO 120 1410 ' ***** QUINTA PANTALLA ***** 1420 pan=5:ida=5:da1=121:du=23:a=11:d=9:m=14:man=0:ro=0 1430 GOSUB 1000 1440 e(15)=0:e(18)=0:e(22)=0:e(23)=0:e(27)=0:e(41)=0:e(43)=0:e(45)=0:e(58)=0:e(59)=0:e(62)=0:e(64)=0:e(66)=0:e(68)=0:e(70)=0:e(71)=0:e(75)=0:e(78)=0:e(79)=0:e(83)=0:e(89)=0:e(90)=0:e(91)=0:e(17)=2:e(74)=2:e(92)=2 1450 GOTO 120 1460 ' ***** SEXTA PANTALLA ***** 1470 pan=6:ida=6:da1=147:a=11:d=9:man=0:ro=4:du=20:x1=11:y1=19:x2=74:m=14 1480 GOSUB 1000 1490 e(18)=0:e(22)=0:e(27)=0:e(28)=0:e(33)=0:e(39)=0:e(41)=0:e(46)=0:e(50)=0:e(66)=0:e(67)=0:e(67)=0:e(70)=0:e(71)=0:e(74)=0:e(75)=0:e(77)=0:e(87)=0:e(88)=0:e(91)=0:e(92)=0:e(23)=2:e(62)=2:e(89)=2:e(86)=2 1500 GOTO 120 1510 ' ****** SEPTIMA PANTALLA **** 1520 pan=7:ida=7:da1=171:a=11:d=9:man=0:ro=0:du=22:m=14 1530 GOSUB 1000 1540 e(19)=0:e(23)=0:e(27)=0:e(28)=0:e(33)=0:e(39)=0:e(41)=0:e(43)=0:e(45)=0:e(46)=0:e(53)=0:e(57)=0:e(64)=0:e(67)=0:e(68)=0:e(70)=0:e(71)=0:e(74)=0:e(75)=0:e(79)=0:e(94)=2:e(40)=2:e(59)=2:e(86)=2 1550 GOTO 120 1560 ' ********* OCTAVA PANTALLA *********** 1570 pan=8:ida=8:da1=196:a=11:d=9:man=0:ro=4:du=24:m=14:x1=11:y1=17:x2=62 1580 GOSUB 1000 1590 e(15)=0:e(18)=0:e(22)=0:e(27)=0:e(28)=0:e(33)=0:e(39)=0:e(41)=0:e(42)=0:e(43)=0:e(46)=0:e(53)=0:e(57)=0:e(62)=0:e(66)=0:e(67)=0:e(71)=0:e(75)=0:e(79)=0:e(86)=0 1600 e(87)=0:e(88)=0:e(89)=0:e(94)=0:e(17)=2:e(40)=2:e(23)=2:e(74)=2 1610 GOTO 120 1620 ' ******* NOVENA PANTALLA ********* 1630 pan=9:ida=9:da1=224:a=11:d=9:man=0:ro=0:du=25:m=14 1640 FOR j=1 TO 14:PRINT FN at$(11,8+j,SPACE$(20)):NEXT j 1650 PRINT FN at$(15,12,"FASE OSCURA") 1660 PRINT FN at$(14,14," BOMBILLAS:"); 1661 PRINT uno 1670 IF uno=3 THEN at$(17,17,"HAY LUZ"):GOTO 1690 1680 PRINT FN at$(16,17,"NO HAY LUZ"):q11$=" ":q12$=" " 1690 FOR j=1 TO 2500:NEXT j 1700 GOSUB 1000 1710 e(18)=0:e(19)=0:e(22)=0:e(27)=0:e(28)=0:e(33)=0:e(40)=0:e(42)=0:e(43)=0:e(44)=0:e(46)=0:e(62)=0:e(66)=0:e(67)=0:e(71)=0:e(74)=0:e(75)=0:e(78)=0:e(79)=0:e(86)=0:e(87)=0:e(88)=0:e(89)=0 1720 e(90)=0:e(91)=0:e(94)=0:e(20)=2:e(23)=2:e(89)=2 1730 GOTO 120 1740 ' ********** DECIMA PANTALLA ********** 1750 GOSUB 960 1760 pan=10:ida=10:da1=252:a=11:d=9:man=0:ro=0:du=28:m=14:q9$=" ":q10$="''" 1770 GOSUB 1000 1780 e(15)=0:e(17)=0:e(19)=0:e(20)=0:e(27)=0:e(33)=0:e(35)=0:e(39)=0:e(41)=0:e(42)=0:e(44)=0:e(45)=0:e(53)=0:e(57)=0:e(59)=0:e(62)=0:e(64)=0:e(67)=0:e(71)=0:e(75)=0 1790 e(77)=0:e(79)=0:e(81)=0:e(86)=0:e(91)=0:e(92)=0:e(94)=0:e(83)=2:e(23)=2:e(87)=2 1800 GOTO 120 1810 ' **** DATAS **** 1820 DATA 29,21,27,19,25,21,23,19,25,17,23,15,21,15,19,15,17,17,15,19,13,17,13,15,11,13,11,11,11,9 1830 DATA 29,21,29,21,27,19,25,21,23,19,25,17,27,15,29,13,27,11,25,9,23,11,21,11,19,11,17,11,15,9 1840 DATA 19,9,13,11,25,11,15,13,17,13,25,13,15,15,17,15,29,15,15,17,21,17,27,17,21,19,15,21,21,21,29,9,21,13,11,21 1850 DATA 13,9,17,9,23,9,13,11,29,11,15,13,17,13,25,13,15,15,17,15,23,17,29,17,19,19,11,21,13,21,23,21,27,21,29,9,15,11,15,21 1860 DATA 13,9,19,9,29,9,13,11,15,11,25,11,13,13,17,13,25,13,17,15,27,17,29,17,11,19,13,19,19,19,25,19,11,21,13,21,17,21,19,21,21,21,17,9,15,13,29,19 1870 DATA 19,9,21,9,23,9,27,9,29,9,13,11,15,11,29,11,25,13,11,15,15,15,25,15,29,15,11,17,21,17,27,17,29,17,11,19,13,19,19,19,25,19,11,21,15,21,19,21,21,21,17,21,27,13,29,19,13,21 1880 DATA 13,9,19,9,27,9,29,9,13,11,17,13,21,13,25,13,11,15,27,15,29,15,11,17,15,17,19,17,23,17,27,17,29,17,13,19,19,19,21,19,29,19,17,21,19,21,23,21,11,19,17,9,23,21 1890 DATA 19,9,27,9,13,11,15,11,25,11,13,13,17,13,27,13,11,15,19,17,21,17,27,17,29,17,11,19,13,19,17,19,13,21,15,21,21,21,17,21,11,17,29,9,15,13,11,21 1900 DATA 21,9,29,9,13,11,15,11,25,11,13,13,17,13,21,13,25,13,27,13,17,15,25,15,15,17,21,17,23,17,27,17,29,17,11,19,13,19,21,19,17,21,27,21,15,13,29,15,11,21 1910 DATA 13,9,19,9,27,9,13,11,15,11,25,11,13,13,17,13,19,13,21,13,27,13,17,15,25,15,11,17,19,17,21,17,29,17,13,19,21,19,27,21,13,21,15,21,17,21,15,13,17,9,29,9,11,19,15,13 1920 DATA 19,9,21,9,27,9,13,11,15,11,25,11,15,13,19,13,21,13,23,13,27,13,11,17,19,17,21,17,29,17,11,19,13,19,19,19,21,19,11,21,13,21,15,21,19,21,21,21,27,21,23,9,29,9,17,21 1930 DATA 13,9,17,9,19,9,21,9,23,9,13,11,25,11,29,11,13,13,17,13,19,13,23,13,25,13,17,15,25,15,29,15,11,17,15,17,21,17,19,17,13,19,17,19,21,19,25,19,11,21,21,21,23,21,27,21,29,9,13,21,29,19,11,19 1940 ' ***** BOMBILLAS ***** 1950 PRINT FN at$(x1,y1," "):PRINT FN at$(x1,y1+1," "):e(x2)=1 1960 RETURN 1970 ' ****** INSTRUCCIONES ******* 1980 PRINT FN at$(13,3,"I N S T R U C C I O N E S") 1990 PRINT:PRINT "Este es un divertido juego en el cual tu mision consiste en atravesar el laberinto de 10 fases." 2000 PRINT:PRINT " Ten cuidado ya que las paredes estan electrizadas, encontraras minas explosivas, no las toques, tambien hay una molesta bota que te estara pisando los talones." 2010 PRINT:PRINT " Para pasar de una fase a otra debes comerte todas las frutas que encuentres en la fase donde estes." 2020 PRINT:PRINT "Las teclas para mover el escarabajo son: Q:Arriba A:Abajo O:Izquierda P:derecha" 2030 PRINT:PRINT "PULSA UNA TECLA PARA EMPEZAR" 2040 WHILE INKEY$="":WEND 2050 RETURN 2170 ' ********* TERMINAR *********** 2180 PRINT cl$:GOSUB 960:FOR n=1 TO 40 STEP 2:PRINT FN at$(n,2,""); 2181 PRINT q11$:PRINT FN at$(n,3,""); 2182 PRINT q12$:PRINT FN at$(n,22,""); 2183 PRINT q11$:PRINT FN at$(n,23,""); 2184 PRINT q12$:NEXT n 2190 FOR n=1 TO 22:PRINT FN at$(1,n+1,q11$):PRINT FN at$(1,n+2,q12$):PRINT FN at$(39,n+1,q12$):NEXT n 2200 PRINT FN at$(3,13,"ENHORABUENA!!!! LO CONSEGUISTES !!!") 2210 FOR i=1 TO 4 2220 FOR n=10 TO 30 STEP 2:PRINT FN at$(n,10,q3$):PRINT FN at$(n,11,q4$):PRINT FN at$(n,15,q3$):PRINT FN at$(n,16,q4$):FOR rt=1 TO 30:NEXT rt:PRINT FN at$(n,10," "):PRINT FN at$(n,11," "):PRINT FN at$(n,15," "):PRINT FN at$(n,16," "):NEXT n 2240 NEXT i 2250 PRINT FN at$(13,18,"PULSA LA TECLA A"):PRINT FN at$(5,20,"PARA JUGAR OTRA VEZ") 2260 c$=INKEY$:IF c$="A" OR c$="a" THEN RUN ELSE GOTO 2250 7000 PRINT FN at$(34,9,""); 7010 PRINT ta 7030 RETURN 10000 PRINT cl$:PRINT FN at$(9,15,"***************************** ADIOS *****************************"):FOR a=1 TO 2000:NEXT a:END ===== Controls ===== Q = UP A = DOWN O = LEFT P = RIGHT ===== Loading the program ===== 1.- Insert the CP/M disc on side 2 2.- Write BASIC and wait for it to load 3.- Remove the CP/M disk and insert the disk containing the Scarab game 4.- Type run "Escarab" and press the "ENTER" key ===== Download ===== * {{:otros:Escarabajo (Basic).zip|Escarabajo }}(game in dsk format, compressed with zip) ===== Video ===== {{ youtube>vBFlIAtHaR8?large }}